Big Brother 19 Spoilers: Is One Houseguest Doomed?
Big Brother 19 Spoilers: Is One Houseguest Doomed?
By: John Powell –
As the days have gone by this weekend, it looks more and more like one Big Brother 19 Houseguest will not be sticking around come this Thursday’s double eviction show.
The fate of Cody Nickson is now completely in the hands of his fellow Houseguests who evicted him once and desperately want to do so again.
On Friday, Mark Jansen ended up winning the Temptation Competition and therefore is safe for the week. Matt Clines came in last so he is the third nomination.
Alex Ow shockingly nominated her own core alliance member Jason Dent and then Elena Davies with the thought to back-door Cody.
Cody failed to win the Veto competition as well. Matt won the challenge which involved prizes and punishments. For the prizes, Elena won $5,000 and Mark won a trip to Colorado. Why Colorado? We have no idea. For the punishments, Paul Abrahamian and Christmas Abbott are shackled together. Jason has to wear a special unitard and Alex had to dress as a Scout and set up a camp.
Speaking to the live cams and feed watchers, Cody was pessimistic about his chances of survival the week.
“In theory, I should be going home this week and getting backdoored but Elena pissed off the HOH,” he said.
Also speaking to the cameras, HoH Alex expressed her anger.
“I will make sure you don’t make top six, Elena. Enjoy your $5,000 because that’s the last you’ll see of it. I’m getting $500,000,” said Alex who was frustrated that Elena promised not to take any of the prizes or pass along any of the punishments during the competition and did just that.
Meeting with Alex, Cody tried to sway her opinion.
“If I’m put up, I’m out for sure,” said Cody.
“Five people will come after me if I don’t,” replied Alex.
Following her conversation with Cody, Alex reported everything back to Paul downstairs.
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CATCH UP NOW ON THE LATEST EPISODE: Big Brother Season 19, Episode 21