Big Brother Spoilers: New HoH Puts Fear In Some Houseguests
Big Brother Spoilers: New HoH Puts Fear In Some Houseguests
John Powell – GlobalTV
There’s a new HoH and some players are already panicking.
Once the feeds returned after the live eviction show Derek Frazier and Azah fretted about Sarah Beth’s reign in one of the bedrooms as everyone else made dinner.
“I don’t know what homegirl is going to do. She is probably going to put me up. Hannah up, Tiffany up,” sighed Azah.
“I don’t think so,” said Derek Frazier.
“We definitely need to use the power this week,” said a concerned Azah.
Xavier entered the room to check on Azah, to see if she was still crying.
“Are you okay?” he asked.
“Yeah, I need a moment. It is about Britini,” she said.
When he left, Azah continued moping.
“I will probably see the block this week but that’s okay,” she said.
Azah wondered if she should have kept Christian in the game after all.
Xavier and Alyssa were the next to express their fears in the storage room.
“Do you think she will put Derek Xiao up?” asked Alyssa.
“She wouldn’t put up Kyland. She would put up Claire and maybe Tiffany,” he replied.
They both agreed they are going to play in the High Roller’s Room if they can and push for Claire and Derek Xiao to be nominated.
Meanwhile, Sarah Beth celebrated with Kyland.
“I knew I could beat the other girls! I was just worried about Derek and Xavier,” said Sarah Beth.
“I am so excited! What do I do?” she asked.
“Obviously this is all your choice but at this very second my preference is Derek Xiao and Claire but I will support whatever you want to do,” he said.
Britini, the Kindergarten teacher from Niagara Falls, New York, became the first member of the jury on the live eviction show. Azah was the only vote to keep her.
Big Brother USA airs on Global on Sundays and Wednesdays at 8:00-9:00 PM, ET and Thursdays at 8:00-9:00 PM, ET.
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