Survivor 42 Scoop – Week 5 Recap: Winners, Losers, Top Moments
Survivor 42 Scoop – Week 5 Recap: Winners, Losers, Top Moments
John Powell –
Last week the Ika Tribe had to pick between the dubious Swati and the suspicious Tori, sorting out which would be the least of two evils to keep around as visions of a merger danced in their heads.
This week pretty much the same situation played out on the Vati Tribe only it was Daniel and Chanelle in the firing line for being unreliable and undependable. The former allies found themselves on the outs since that fateful tribal council on the third episode. Since then, they have been throwing each other under the bus hard to insure their own survival in the game.
Hai wasn’t that far off calling them “two weasels in a chicken coup”.
Daniel’s first mistake was telling everyone he was a lawyer. In hindsight, he perhaps should have went with daycare worker, stay-at-home dad or school guidance counselor if he wanted to appear to be less of a threat and mostly harmless.
What sent Daniel home is exactly what got him into trouble in the first place: he overplayed his hand at tribal council. He pushed too hard and in doing so was probably perceived as being a case of “he doth protest too much”. Being injured in the very first challenge and having that status follow and hound him for the rest of his time in the game wasn’t a good thing either.
Next week’s promo hints at an anticipated merge but since Probst puts the kibosh on that what probably happens is exactly what occurred last season. The players are shuffled into two teams that will compete for immunity while two castaways draw odd rocks. One of those will be claimed by the winning team after the challenge while the other is sent to Exile Island. There, the hourglass twist will probably be presented and that castaway will have to make the same choice Erika did last season.
Who will have to make that tricky choice and what will they eventually decide?
Stay tuned…
Moment # 5: Jonathan cannot stand the nattering at camp.
Moment # 4: Daniel and Chanelle duel at tribal council.
Moment # 3: Shared immunity comes into play.
Moment # 2: Vati reacts to Daniel fishing.
Moment # 1: Jonathan and Maryanne argue again.
Next time on Survivor…
Daniel Strunk
What is such a letdown for Survivor fans in general is that Daniel had all the makings of an amazing player. He had the social and strategic smarts to be a memorable and strong castaway. The problem is he made too many promises and alliances with too many people and got caught red handed doing so. Just like Swati last week that kind of fast and loose gameplay doesn’t sit well with most people as it goes directly to trust and faith which is so important in the Survivor game. It is even more so this season because the tribes are so small.
Strategic Gameplay
Daniel had the right mindset, some clever schemes but he fired off all of his ammunition at once. He had too many balls in the air and that was his downfall. If he had been more concise and precise, he might still be in the game.
Rating: 3 / 5
Social Gameplay
Although he got caught with too many alliances and partnerships, Daniel must have had a decent social game to be able to convince that many people to confide in him and work with him.
Rating: 3 / 5
Entertainment Value
He could have been the source of so much drama this season. He just overplayed his hand so very badly. He might have been a standout character and player. Perhaps he will play again but more cautiously next time.
Rating: 4 / 5
Final Castaway Rating: 10 / 15
Who played it cool and who proved themselves to be a fool? Every week John Powell makes his picks for the worst and best players of the week.
Maryanne’s behaviour is slowly grating on even her own tribemates nerves.
Rocksroy’s social game is sinking faster and faster.
He played too fast, too loose and too hard.
Jonathan is the difference maker once again at a challenge. It makes you wonder if an individual immunity challenge streak is in his future.
Chanelle worked her way out of a difficult situation and the merge might be the twist in the game that saves her bacon for now.
Hai was the uniting force at Vati leading that vote.