Live Feed Spoilers: Veto winner on a hot streak while Cameron stays cool
Live Feed Spoilers: Veto winner on a hot streak while Cameron stays cool
By John Powell –
Last week he won Head of Household and this week he has won the Power of Veto. Jared will decide at Monday’s meeting whether he will use the power to save Felicia or Izzy, or leave Cameron’s nominations the same.
Earlier, Cirie spoke very quickly with Cameron in the HoH room professing to be on his side.
“I know Red is not here anymore for you but I am your girl,” she said. “There are people out there gunning for you but things we talk about have to stay here (in the HoH room).”
“This is a strategic game move and you won’t believe the number of people who have come up here and said those names,” he said of his nominations.
“I totally understand. This is a whole entire game that has to go on. I am just so grateful it is not me,” she said.
When Felicia met with Cameron, she put the blame for the vote flip this week from Jag to Red on the shoulders of Cirie and Izzy.
“Yesterday, we were voting out Jag until an hour before the vote and that’s real. Cirie and Izzy came to me saying that Red said I was a liability to the team,” she said when in reality she started out the day wanting to flip the vote because Mecole saw Jag and other houseguests together and chattering the night before.
Cameron wanted to know why the alliance didn’t tell Bowie Jane what was going on.
“They decided they didn’t want to tell Bowie Jane because she is emotional. That is the truth I know,” said Felicia.
“I was in the house an hour before the vote. Nobody told me anything and we said we were going to tell each other everything. I wasn’t privy to the group conversation,” Cameron said.
“I wasn’t privy to the conversation that Red said I had to go,” said Felicia.
“Why didn’t anyone come to me?” asked Cameron again.
“I didn’t come to you because I knew you and Red were close even though you guys were going through your thing I still believed in my heart you guys were going to mend that,” answered Felicia.
“I was left out of the conversation to spite me. I was the butt of the joke. I looked like a fool on national television because there were two cameras trained on me and Bowie,” said an angry Cameron. “I didn’t know anything and I felt like an idiot and I looked like an idiot.”
“I have one person who needs to go. She and I haven’t gotten along the entire time,” he then said of Izzy.
Jag also took some time to touch base with Cameron in the HoH room. He thanked him for saving him and sticking to his end of the deal.
“Wow!” said Jag.
“We are gambling,” said Cameron. “This is an olive branch.”
“I see that. I recognize that. I will not forget that,” said Jag.
“Now we begin. Not a word,” said Cameron about their path forward in the game.
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Big Brother airs Sundays and Wednesdays (8:00-9:00 PM, ET/PT) and Thursdays (9:00-10:00 PM, live ET/delayed PT), featuring the live eviction show hosted by Julie Chen Moonves, on Global TV.