Big Brother Live Feed Update: The house is bombarded with messages
Big Brother Live Feed Update: The house is bombarded with messages
The houseguests should probably invest in an answering service or at least voice mail.
Several times this evening Ainsley has gathered them in the front room and played very odd messages for them. The houseguests are playing strict attention to the details in the videos assuming they are part of an upcoming memory or trivia challenge.
“Is this for HoH?” asked Angela.
“Probably,” answered Rubina.
The houseguests took turns claiming that just like the AI Instigator the messages weren’t from any of them.
They thought the second message was delivered by actress Bella Thorne and based on that message someone was entering or coming back into the house. The person in the video had red hair and was standing in front of a red car.
“It would be cool if someone came in to say hello,” said Angela.
The houseguests began preparing for the messages to be interrupting them all night long as Angela warned them Big Brother has done that before in the past.
Joseph, Makensy, Leah, Cam, Quinn and Chelsie snuck off to one of the bedrooms to compare notes while T’kor, Rubina, Kimo and Angela did the same in the front room illustrating a clear divide in the house.
Once the second message was played everyone actually began to think they should just hangout in the front room all night long, sleep there, if Big Brother would allow them to.
Big Brother airs on Global TV on Wednesdays and Thursdays at 8:00-9:00 PM, ET/PT and Sundays at 9:00-10:00 PM, ET/PT.
Stay tuned for more news, views, interviews and live feed spoilers all season long and watch the latest episodes here.