Big Brother Live Feed Update: Tears, meltdowns after shocking veto ceremony
Big Brother Live Feed Update: Tears, meltdowns after shocking veto ceremony

HoH and veto winner Makensy has done the unthinkable. She has nominated two of her closest allies in the house for eviction.
Last Friday, Makensy nominated her ally Angela and Kimo. After a weekend of lobbying with Chelsie in the driver’s seat of the bus, Makensy has now turned on her friend Leah.
At the veto ceremony Makensy took Kimo off the block and nominated Leah in her place. Either Leah or Angela will be going home this week.
Angela consoled a crying Leah after the ceremony.
“I am so f—–g stupid! I am literally an idiot!” said Leah openly sobbing.
Leah maintained it was all her own fault in the sense that she should have listened to her gut and nominated Chelsea not T’kor last week. Angela insisted she is going home not Leah.
“All night all they are doing is talking b——t! I have had Makensy’s back since Day f—–g One! I have never lied to her one time! It is such b——t! I am so pissed off!” Leah cried with tears flowing down her face.
“Being next to you was my worst fear in the game. I just hate the ‘snakeiness’ of everyone. It is such b——t and I should have known!” Leah continued as Angela hugged her.
Cam, Chelsie, Rubina ran upstairs to comfort Makensy who was in the HoH crying as well.
“She didn’t even look at me,” sobbed Makensy.
“She didn’t look at anyone. She is the only person to do that,” Rubina said about Leah.
“She literally talks about what a threat I am in this house and other personal things she is saying,” said Makensy dabbing her eyes.
It was an entirely different story last night as Makensy met with Leah in the HoH room.
Leah asked Makensy what her talk with Chelsie was like. Makensy didn’t reveal how Chelsie has been targeting her at every opportunity.
“Angela obviously wants me to use it on her. She says she is more of a threat than Kimo and people will see that,” said Makensy.
“I don’t want to use it (the veto) because I don’t want to put someone else up…I just want to do the best thing to keep me safe this week,” Makensy continued.
Makensy asked Leah what she is “freaking out about”?

Chelsie Baham and Makensy Manbeck. Photo: CBS.
Leah said she has heard people whispering and when she enters the room, they stop.
Makensy explained it away saying they are probably just talking about Angela.
“It worries me,” said Leah. She made the moves she did last week partially to gain Chelsie’s trust.
“I wanted to know if she talked about me to you?” asked Leah.
“Not really, no,” said Makensy.
Makensy told Leah that Chelsie is just worried where Leah stands because she claimed to be close to T’kor and then put her on the block.
“Because Chelsie and you gave me information,” answered Leah.
“Not from me. T’kor for me was great!” replied Makensy.
“Not really, especially at the final two,” said Leah.
“No, I mean T’kor going up was great. I was with you on that,” explained Makensy.

Makensy Manbeck. Photo: CBS.
“So was Chelsie but that is what is worrying me. She is telling people she wasn’t,” said Leah.
Speaking to Cam later, Makensy said her talk with Leah didn’t change her mind. She still doesn’t trust her.
“She didn’t want me to nominate Angela and she kept pushing Chelsie as a big threat,” said Makensy.
Angela spoke with Makensy trying to convince her to use the veto on her if she doesn’t, she is going home.
“I know it. I feel it. I don’t want to go,” Angela whined.
“I don’t want you to go home either,” said Makensy.
“I will protect you with my life. Kimo and Rubina cannot promise that,” Angela promised.
Makensy then said she has been informed about what Leah has been doing behind her back.