Avenatti and Scaramucci Debate Trump Politics on The Late Show
Avenatti and Scaramucci Debate Trump Politics on The Late Show

NEW YORK, NY - APRIL 12: Michael Avenatti and Anthony Scaramucci attend The Hollywood Reporter's Most Powerful People In Media 2018 at The Pool on April 12, 2018 in New York City. (Photo by Jamie McCarthy/Getty Images)
The Late Show with Stephen Colbert welcomes the unlikely combination of New York tough guy lawyers Michael Avenatti and Anthony “The Mooch” Scaramucci to The Ed Sullivan Theater to debate all things Trump.
So, just to get this out there – not even Stephen knows why these guys were booked on The Late Show at the same time. He, along with everyone else, can speculate that it has something to do with the rumours of them getting their own television show. Will they? Who knows. But if they do, that sort-of makes this episode of The Late Show with Stephen Colbert a back-door pilot for that series.
Maybe they’ll name Stephen as a producer. That could only make it better.
They say they’re just friends, but it seems like there’s something more going on there… like a potential television series.
Stephen wanted to talk about Michael Cohen – there’s a lot of speculation whether Trump’s former fixer is going to flip on him or not, and whether the authorities are gearing up to slap cuffs on his wrists, or not. Avenatti has had his run-ins with Cohen, and he’s just getting started. On Trump being in a tight spot due to Cohen’s ineptitude, he said “This is what happens when you trust your inner-most secrets to a moron.” And in not-typical fashion, Scaramucci’s response to the topic was eloquent, brief, and lacking profane visualizations.
Then Stephen outed Scaramucci for having called Michael Cohen after finding out Cohen would be an interview question. Oh boy.
But after what seemed like an entire episode of Colbert and Avenatti raking Scaramucci across the coals for the actual and inane things he was saying, Avenatti chimes in to defend his… friend? Yeah, they’re probably friends, sort of. Anyway, he pipes up to defend Scaramucci, or at least to say something nice about him – like how this current undermining of the media wouldn’t be happening if The Mooch was still involved with the White House.
Both of these men seem to have pretty aggressive personalities, and perhaps wouldn’t be the best of pals to hang around with… but darn it all if they aren’t entertaining to watch! They have pretty great chemistry, and when you throw Colbert into the mix, the energy never drops. Who knows where these guys are at in terms of getting their own show together – they’ve denied it, but not vehemently so, and sort of brushed it aside in this interview rather than directly addressing it. So if they do… you might not be able to help yourself but to watch it.
Catch more of The Late Show with Stephen Colbert airing weeknights at 11.35 et/pt on Global, and watch the latest episodes online here on GlobalTV.com!