Big Brother 20 Spoilers: Sex Accusations Causing Friendships To Splinter
Big Brother 20 Spoilers: Sex Accusations Causing Friendships To Splinter
By John Powell –
A flippant comment about two houseguests having sex has caused friendships to fracture in the Big Brother 20 house.
Talking privately in the backyard last night, Haleigh Broucher confronted Kaitlyn Herman about a comment she had supposedly made earlier when she was under the bed covers with Faysal Shafaat.
“First of all, I don’t want this to be a tense conversation,” said a tentative Haleigh.
“What’s the matter?” asked Kaitlyn.
“Bayleigh [Dayton] said when you walked in and me and Fasyal were under the tent, she said you walked in and said…’What are you guys doing? It looks like you are having sex.’ You rolled your eyes and walked out,” recounted Haleigh detailing what she had been told.
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“I don’t even recall those words coming out of my mouth,” said a stunned Kaitlyn.
“I didn’t hear them. I recall you saying something. I didn’t know what you said so I waved my hand,” said Haleigh claiming she called Kaitlyn back to clarify what she meant.
“I didn’t even see that. I was in and out,” said Kaitlyn.
“I am not going to sit here and say I didn’t say that because I truthfully don’t know what I said. If I said that it was unintentional. I didn’t mean it,” Kaitlyn admitted.
“I am just upset because I don’t want that as something that is portrayed on the show,” said a concerned Haleigh.
“If I did say that, I didn’t mean it. It was a joke. It didn’t look like you guys were having sex. Also, you guys are two of my best friends here,” Kaitlyn apologized.
This morning, Kaitlyn sat alone with Bayleigh to discuss what happened. Kaitlyn expressed her displeasure with what Bayleigh told Haleigh and generally how she has been treated in the house. Kaitlyn was disappointed that her name is being mentioned more and more, and some people are walking on eggshells around her.
Bayleigh explained that she is tired of being lumped in with everything Chris “Swaggy C” Williams says and does. She is a separate personality and player.
“Right now, I am really upset. What Swaggy says is not something that Swaggy and Bayleigh said,” said Bayleigh.
“It is Bayleigh and Swaggy,” argued Kaitlyn.
“How? That’s not fair because I don’t have an opinion about them,” said Bayleigh about Kaitlyn’s recent troubles.
“I feel like I have been a good friend to you,” sighed a hurt Bayleigh.
“You have,” said Kaitlyn, her voice more sullen.
“Then, I don’t understand why all of a sudden you are mad at me,” said Bayleigh.
“I am not mad at you. I am not even remotely pissed at you,” clarified Kaitlyn saying she was just upset at Bayleigh’s delivery.
“Tell me what you want me to do? You want me to lie about things?” asked Bayleigh.
“No,” said Kaitlyn.
“Someone asks me a question am I supposed to be quiet?” asked Bayleigh.
“No, I never told you to be quiet,” replied Kaitlyn.
An irritated Bayleigh said she is just going to keep things to herself from now on. Maybe in that way she can avoid criticism and hurting her friends in the house.
“I am not pissed at you. I am pissed at the situation. I am pissed at the way Swaggy speaks to me sometimes. I am pissed at the way I am portrayed,” said Kaitlyn.
In the end, Kaitlyn and Bayleigh ended their discussion with a hug and agreed there have been many miscommunications that have led to many misunderstandings.
Big Brother airs Wednesdays and Thursdays at 9 et/pt and Sundays at 8 et/pt on Global. Watch Big Brother online the day after broadcast on or on the free Global Go app for iOS and Android.
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