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Big Brother 20 Spoilers: Tears for Evicted Houseguest

Big Brother 20 Spoilers: Tears for Evicted Houseguest

Big Brother 20 Spoilers: Tears for Evicted Houseguest


By John Powell – GlobalTV.com

Sam Bledsoe is taking Bayleigh Dayton’s eviction hard. Bayleigh was evicted on the latest Big Brother 20 live show and Sam was the only vote to keep her.

Hiding out in a closet on the live feeds, Sam was trying not to cry as Angela Rummans assured her that nobody was angry at her for giving Bayleigh a sympathy vote.

“What you did made everyone happy because nobody wanted her to go home with a unanimous vote. I didn’t,” said Angela sorting through her clothes.

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“I didn’t want either of them (Angie “Rockstar” Lantry or Bayleigh) to go but nobody would tell me definitively how they were voting and then at the very last minute I just decided that would be the bigger thing to do. That would be more important vote because of personal things,” said Sam.

Angela told Sam she didn’t have to explain herself if she felt it was the right thing to do.

“Literally, everyone voted against her. Are you f—–g kidding me?,” said Sam shocked that even Bayleigh’s alliance, freinds gave her the boot.

Angela told Sam she had no idea why they decided to vote against her. She is not “in the loop” with that side of the house so she doesn’t know what their thinking was.

“All I knew is she had this app thing and she said I was going to be on the block next week and she was telling everyone that,” explained Angela.


“What’s done is done. Let’s move on to the next thing,” Angela suggested telling Sam she needs to keep her emotions and feelings out of the game.

“If you keep it strictly game, you keep your feelings from getting involved,” she advised.

“I am doing the exact opposite,” confessed Sam tearing up again.

After their conversation, Sam went to lay in the front room by herself.

Haleigh Broucher is this week’s new HoH (Head of Household). Her nominations will be revealed on the live feeds tomorrow along with the winner of the final BB Hacker Competition.

Reader Alert: Global viewers, on Sunday Aug 12th, Big Brother will be airing at 10 et/pt.

Big Brother airs Sundays and Wednesdays at 8 et/pt and Thursdays at 9 et/pt on Global. Watch Big Brother online the day after broadcast on GlobalTV.com/BigBrother or on the free Global Go app for iOS and Android.

CATCH UP NOW: Big Brother Full Episodes – Season 20