Big Brother 19: Alex Ow Exit Interview: It Killed me to Throw Challenges
Big Brother 19: Alex Ow Exit Interview: It Killed me to Throw Challenges

By: John Powell –
Surviving the monotony. Living with your worst enemies. Unable to leave the pressure cooker environment. Living in the Big Brother 19 house is no picnic but for Alex Ow one of the worst parts of the experience was constantly throwing competitions.
“In relation to throwing things, I hate it. I threw a lot to Paul [Abrahamian], to Christmas [Abbott] and Jason [Dent], and it never was a good feeling. I like video gaming and I like being the best at it. I love winning. It kills me to throw challenges,” said the eco-friendly marketing rep from California.
Another strategic quandary is why Alex, like the rest of Paul’s allies elected to keep him in the game knowing how dangerous and influential he was becoming. Despite being warned by Dominique Cooper, Cody Nickson, Jessica Graf and others, nobody has made a move against Paul during the entire season.
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In fact, Paul has never been nominated for eviction this season.
“One of the things I love about Big Brother is when they bring back veterans. I watched season 18 and knew that Paul’s whole premise of his season was “friendship”. So the entire season, Jason didn’t believe me, didn’t think that Paul was trustworthy but I know his morals, I know his fan base…I thought we became friends so that’s why we decided to keep Paul. I thought we were going to the end because he would save us because we would keep him safe,” said Alex about her decision to protect Paul.
Protecting Paul included following his instructions and sometimes using intimidation as a tactic. During once such incident this year, Alex and Christmas both yelled at Cody, an ex-Marine, that he was an “embarrassment” to the military. Looking back, Alex claims none of the conflicts she had in the house were ever serious.
“Every confrontation I was in, I made sure was not personal, they were just over funny things. They were over cat ears, coke, pillows…it was never anything serious. I don’t think I was in a confrontation where anyone got their feelings hurt. The confrontations were funny for me,” she said.
This week, like what happened to many of the group’s targets, Alex began to stay on her own, with the others avoiding her and she avoiding them. It was an odd but expected turn of events.
“During the experience when I started to withdraw from the group, I did not feel bad. I withdrew because I knew they were coming for me and they were working together. I wasn’t trying to be standoffish. I didn’t care to participate with people who didn’t play the best game. So with the people who are left, I was kind of disappointed with the way they wanted to get me out. I was such a big threat and they didn’t want to compete to take me out. So for them to turn their backs on me, as Jason would say: You guys are all counterfeits,” she said.
RELATED: Jason Dent Big Brother 19 Exclusive Post-Eviction Exit Interview
Of the group who are left, even though she is furious with him, she believes Paul is playing the best game but doesn’t have praise for Kevin Schlehuber.
“Paul throughout the whole game has been consistent. Even though he had most HoH’s (Head of Household’s) thrown to him, he had to convince the whole house to do it. I really respect how he played the game. The weakest game I would say is probably Kevin, because he played a great social game and he played it consistently but he’s just kind of a floater, he floats to the end. Kevin not winning competitions was part of his strategy, but it was a bad strategy,” she said.
Despite how things turned out for her, Alex isn’t disappointed in how she played the game.
“Now that I’m thinking about it, I have no regrets because it didn’t matter how the game was going to play out. As soon as Paul realized I was a threat, he knew he had to take me out because his chances of winning Big Brother had diminished. I played such a straight game with everyone, I was open and upfront as much as I could be and people knew when I threw things. I was a good competitor and I think that he knew he would have lost with me in the final two,” she explained.
READER ALERT: There is no episode on Sunday, September 17 butthere’s a special episode of Big Brother 19 on Friday, September 15 at 8 et/pt on Global.
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CATCH UP NOW ON THE LATEST EPISODE: Big Brother Season 19, Episode 36