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Big Brother 25 swimsuit photo shoot

Big Brother 25 swimsuit photo shoot

Big Brother 25 swimsuit photo shoot

Cirie Fields, Izzy Gleicher, Jag Bains, Mecole Hayes, Red Utley, Bowie Jane, America Lopez, Reilly Smedley, Cory Wurtrnberger, Cameron Harding, Matt Klotz, Jared Fields, Kirsten Elwin, Luke Valentine, Hisam Goueli, Blue Kim and Felicia Cannon. Photo: CBS.


By John Powell – GlobalTV.com

CBS has released photos from this year’s Big Brother photo shoot. This year whether it is guys or gals, group shots rule the day.

Cirie Fields, Izzy Gleicher, Jag Bains, Mecole Hayes, Red Utley, Bowie Jane, America Lopez, Reilly Smedley, Cory Wurtrnberger, Cameron Harding, Matt Klotz, Jared Fields, Kirsten Elwin, Luke Valentine, Hisam Goueli, Blue Kim and Felicia Cannon. Photo: CBS.

Cirie Fields, Izzy Gleicher, Jag Bains, Mecole Hayes, Red Utley, Bowie Jane, America Lopez, Reilly Smedley, Cory Wurtrnberger, Cameron Harding, Matt Klotz, Jared Fields, Kirsten Elwin, Luke Valentine, Hisam Goueli, Blue Kim and Felicia Cannon. Photo: CBS.

Red Utley, Hisam Goueli, Cory Wurtrnberger, Matt Klotz, Jag Bains, Cameron Harding, Jared Fields and Luke Valentine. Photo: CBS.

Red Utley, Hisam Goueli, Cory Wurtrnberger, Matt Klotz, Jag Bains, Cameron Harding, Jared Fields and Luke Valentine. Photo: CBS.

Cirie Fields, Bowie Jane, Izzy Gleicher, Mecole Hayes, Reilly Smedley, Kirsten Elwin, America Lopez, Blue Kim and Felicia Cannon. Photo: CBS.

Cirie Fields, Bowie Jane, Izzy Gleicher, Mecole Hayes, Reilly Smedley, Kirsten Elwin, America Lopez, Blue Kim and Felicia Cannon. Photo: CBS.

Check back for all the latest Big Brother news and interviews.

Starting on August 6th Big Brother will air Sundays and Wednesdays (8:00-9:00 PM, ET/PT) and Thursdays (9:00-10:00 PM, live ET/delayed PT), featuring the live eviction show hosted by Julie Chen Moonves, on Global TV.