Big Brother All-Stars Awards
Big Brother All-Stars Awards

By John Powell –
Enzo. Cody. Nicole. One of them will become an All-Stars champion tonight. If Nicole is victorious she will be Big Brother USA’s first two-time winner. As the second American All-Star season comes to an end here are our picks for this season’s Big Brother Awards.
The Big Brother All-Star season finale airs tonight at 9:00 PM (ET) on Global Television.
The Susan Richards Award
Named after The Invisible Woman of the Fantastic Four and awarded to the female Houseguest who had the least impact on the series.
Winner: Keesha Smith
It was a shame but the competitive Keesha had little influence on any of the drama or the game this season.
The Claude Rains Award
Named after H.G. Wells’ Invisible Man and awarded to the male HouseGuest who had the least impact on the series.
Winner: Ian Terry
By his own admission he was trying to fade into the background and that he did quite successfully. So successful was he that he was barely on the show except for his eviction week and his punishments this season.
The Dr. Will Kirby Award
Awarded to the best schemer.
Winners: Robert “Memphis” Garrett and Cody Calafiore
Their plans didn’t always succeed but the creation of the Commission and the alliances Cody had determined the direction of the season during the first few weeks. Without Derrick to guide him Cody did evolve his strategic game and Memphis really never stopped scheming.
The Chima Simone Award
Presented to the player who had the most dramatic breakdown.
Winners: Tyler Crispen and Nicole Anthony.
Their breakdowns in the house had a severe effect on their games. Tyler had second thoughts about returning to the game and almost quit. Nicole’s paranoia caused her to turn on faithful allies Janelle and Kaysar.
The Annie Whittington, Big Brother Saboteur Award
In recognition of the worst twist this season.
Winner: Neighbor’s Week and the Blocker power.
It is always great to see Dr. Will on Big Brother but his appearance didn’t seem to turn the game upside down as promised. Christmas never ended up using her Blocker power. It was a dud.
The Rumble in the Jungle Award
Awarded to the best fight or argument of the season.
Winner: Christmas versus Da’Vonne and Bayleigh
Is there such a thing as “personal game information”? Maybe. Maybe not. What is for certain is that Christmas, Da’Vonne and Bayleigh debated it in the biggest blow-out this season. While Da’Vonne and Christmas did eventually bury the hatchet, Bayleigh and Christmas avoided each other for the rest of Bayleigh’s time in the house.
The Richard Blackwell Award
Presented to the worst dressed HouseGuest.
Winner: Enzo Palumbo
Viewers could be forgiven if they thought the Unabomber has taken up residence in the Big Brother house. Hoodies, track pants and UGG boots made up his disastrous wardrobe. Just because you are on a paid vacation in the Big Brother house doesn’t mean you have to dress like it.
The But first… Award
Awarded to the most overused phrase of the season.
Winner: “On my season…”
The All-Stars just couldn’t help making comparisons to their previous experiences in the house all season long.
The Best Showmance Award
Winners: Enzo and Cody
The Jersey Boys were inseparable the entire season especially when they were scheming behind closed doors. Their friendship will certainly blossom outside of the Big Brother house.
The Best Dressed Award
Winner: Janelle Pierzina, Daniele “Dani” Briones and Da’Vonne Rogers
You know you have impeccable taste when other houseguests want to borrow your clothes. Such was the case with Janelle who showed that even moms can be just as stylish, smart and sharp. Although some didn’t always appreciate her Bohemian fashion sense, Dani sure had a style all her own in the Big Brother house. Da’Vonne was impeccable, sensational and simply stunning.
The Lawon Exum Award
Presented to the worst move of the season.
Winner: Enzo doesn’t vote out Nicole
Knowing he was tight with Cody no matter what he did, Enzo doesn’t pull the trigger on Nicole. He didn’t vote her out during the triple eviction. That one mistake is still having a ripple effect on everyone’s game.
Worst Showmance
Winners: Ian and his dinosaur puppet, Kevin and his blanket
Ian and Kevin loved those comfort objects.
The Lawon Exum Award
Awarded to the worst player of the season.
Winners: The Big Brother USA All-Stars cast but…mostly David
For the third year in a row we nominate the entire cast as a whole because there are so many contenders. Between people blowing up their own games, people wanting to quit, many only manning their guns when they were on the block and seven unanimous eviction votes (if you discount hinkie votes) the gameplay this season was nothing to write home about. Poor David though just didn’t have a clue most of the time. At times you might have thought he was on another show entirely.
Big Brother MVP
Winner: Cody Calafiore
No matter if he wins or he loses Cody has played the strongest, most well-rounded game this season. He has been head and shoulders above everyone else.
Best Alliance
Winners: The Commission
The alliance had an unbreakable vise grip on the game until Day 58 and Week 8 when they had to cannibalize their own during the triple eviction.
Most Entertaining HouseGuest
Winners: Da’Vonne Rogers and Janelle Pierzina
They wore their attitudes on their sleeves in the house and in the Diary Room.
Worst Alliance
Winners: Nicole, Kaysar and Janelle
While Janelle and Kaysar’s friendship grew during the season their pact with Nicole did last more than a few days when she became unreasonably suspicious of them not only sinking their already floundering games but also critically damaging her own. Nicole torpedoed the alliance and everyone went down with the sinking ship because of that.
Best Diary Room Sessions
Winner: Da’Vonne Rogers
Da’Vonne is a natural entertainer and is so quick on the mark. She needs to host a television show of some sort.
Best Exit
Winner: Kaysar Ridha and Robert “Memphis” Garrett
Since there weren’t any overly dramatic exits this season we are going to turn our attention to the classiest. Both Kaysar and Memphis left with their heads held high and with no real bitter feelings.