Big Brother Alum Dr. Will Kirby Talks Season 19, Chairing Jury Debate
Big Brother Alum Dr. Will Kirby Talks Season 19, Chairing Jury Debate

By: John Powell –
When you have a group of players such as we have seen on Big Brother 19, there is only one person who can manage such a cagey, bitter and unscrupulous jury: Dr. Will Kirby, one of the game’s greatest players. He has seen it and done it all in the game of Big Brother.
Dr. Will has returned to moderate the jury debate this season, but what keeps him coming back for more?
“Imagine being a huge basketball fan, watching your favourite team for the entire season and then during game seven of the NBA finals, sitting courtside to work as an assistant coach. Best seat in the house!” said an excited Dr. Will.
As always, the Season 2 winner, Big Brother All-Star and one of the game’s greatest strategists, takes his role very seriously, understanding that he has a lot of sway with the jury members. Kirby just wants to keep the discussion on track and get the jurors to contemplate each and every scenario very carefully.
“It honestly doesn’t matter to me who they ultimately vote to win as long as they have truly explored their feelings and weighed their emotional connection to the remaining houseguests. No true fan wants to see a jury that just casts votes as knee-jerk reactions to their own personal bias and I’m at peace if they want to cast a vote just to hurt someone but I want them to take complete ownership of any decision that they ultimately make,” he said.
WATCH: Big Brother After Dark Online – Season 19 Full Episodes
This year the jury harbours a lot of bitter feelings, perhaps nearly at the level of the resentful Season 4 jury who didn’t even want to pick between finalists Alison Irwin and Jun Song. Dr. Will is acutely aware of the jury’s mood and will encourage them to explore those feelings during the jury debate.
“See, there is a surely significant backstory to the how each jury member became so angry and I wonder if it is because they were so hurt, so very hurt that they lashed out in anger! Maybe they just need a little time with Dr. Will to be able to communicate the true reason for their hurt and turn that pain into a more useful experience. Who wants a hug?” he laughed.
This year throwing competitions seems to be the default strategy in the Big Brother 19 house. That game play culminated in the ‘Ready, Set, Whoa’ HoH (Head of Household) competition in which the Houseguests threw the challenge and handed the win to the injured Christmas Abbott. Dr. Will, the originator of the strategy, thinks the Houseguests have taken things too far.
“Throwing competitions is just one tool in the arsenal of a skilled player. When used appropriately it can obviously be a huge benefit but you wouldn’t want to rely solely on purposely losing. Moreover, houseguests that throw a competition resulting in a detriment to their personal game will feel foolish. It is an advanced technique that novice players should probably avoid,” Dr. Will advised.
RELATED: Big Brother 19 Spoilers: New HoH, New Jury Members – Week 11
Along with incessantly throwing competitions, another strategy Paul Abrahamian‘s alliance has relied on is using group intimidation to break Houseguests down which has included Josh Martinez tormenting people with pots and pans, and Christmas, Paul and Alex Ow berating Cody Nickson’s military status calling him an “embarrassment”. Dr. Will thinks those tactics are low.
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“Nothing is off limits and if that strategy works then any houseguest is free to utilize it. Every single person in the house willingly signed up on their own volition. No one forced them to participate and they at any time could simply make a stance against bullying. My personal thoughts on bullying and intimidation as a strategy? It is brutish and uncivilized. I respond best to gameplay based on intelligence, humour and charisma,” he said.
Although some fans have compared Dr. Will’s game play to Paul’s, Dr. Will believes the tactics they have used in their respective seasons couldn’t be more different.
“There is a night and day difference; I incorporated intellectual finesse and tactical precision with a dash of humour while he utilizes fear and hacky shtick. That is like trying to compare Yoda to the lovechild of Jar Jar Binks and Kylo Ren,” Dr. Will joked.
While CBS has already announced a Celebrity Big Brother USA season set to air in early 2018, Dr. Will has some ideas of his own at what would make an off-the-hook season.
“I’d say a theme that hasn’t been explored before that I’d like to see is to have a cast made up entirely of the children of U.S. presidents. Imagine Malia Obama backdooring Donald Trump Jr. while Chelsea Clinton cooks slop and the Bush twins chug the six beers they got for the week. That’s an Emmy just waiting to happen,” he chuckled.
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CATCH UP NOW ON THE LATEST EPISODE: Big Brother Season 19, Episode 34