Big Brother Barometer: Week 11
Big Brother Barometer: Week 11

By John Powell –
The houseguests are “roughing it” this season at Camp Big Brother. We hit the rewind button to see who really shone this week and relive those unforgettable moments.
This week’s Top Big Brother Moments are…
Moment # 4: Christie Has a Breakdown.
Moment # 3: Michie Eavesdrops on Tommy Campaigning.
Moment # 2: Michie Fools Nicole and Cliff.
Moment # 1: Explosive House Meeting Sneak Peek.
Week 11: Powell’s Picks
Who played it cool and who proved themselves to be a fool? Every week John Powell makes his picks for the worst and best players of the week.
Bronze Amateur: Holly Allen
It was Jackson who did most of the work for her to stay this week. She also threw the HoH competition to Nicole when she didn’t need to.
Silver Amateur: Tommy Bracco
He campaigned strong throughout the week then came up short. Weeks ago he should have done more to secure his place with an alliance in the house.
Gold Amateurs: Cliff Hogg and Nicole Anthony
Jackson pulled a fast one on Tommy and hoodwinked Cliff and Nicole into believing his lie saving his partner, Holly. Won’t they feel foolish when they eventually learn the truth?
Bronze MVP: Tommy Bracco
Sure, he was voted out but he fought a good fight to stay in the game, making some clever last minute deals.
Silver MVP: Cliff Hogg and Nicole Anthony
As a team they have worked well together, supporting and guiding each other despite their misstep with Jackson.
Gold MVP: Jackson Michie
Jackson successfully sold a bill of goods to Nicole and Cliff pulling off one of the biggest moves of the season and single-handedly saving his partner.
Big Brother airs Wednesdays and Thursdays at 9et/pt and Sundays at 8et/pt on Global TV.
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