Big Brother Live Feed Update: Cheating accusation made during dueling HoHs
Big Brother Live Feed Update: Cheating accusation made during dueling HoHs

The Big Brother house was a massive ball of confusion with two HoHs holding meetings at the same time today.
When all was said and done though Makensy, Cedric and Tucker were nominated.
Throughout the day Angela, the official HoH, was meeting with houseguests in the HoH room while Quinn, who has the Deep Fake HOH power, was holding meetings in the Have-Not Room at the same time.
Dressed up in a red suit and tinted sunglasses Quinn made it known that he is using his power, taking over Angela’s HoH and therefore started holding his own one-on-ones. He was supposed to secretly control the HoH but now that everyone knows he has the power his manipulations aren’t clandestine at all.
Quinn told everyone he was putting Tucker up and was going to confront him as he believes he deliberately lied about Quinn’s power to everyone and therefore was using production as a strategy which isn’t permitted. For example: Lying to the other houseguests and telling them that Big Brother gave you a special individual power to pull yourself off the block is not permitted in the game.
Speaking to the cameras in the Have-Not Room before he conducted his meetings Quinn said: “America! We’ve got some big business meetings happening today. Surprise! I have the Upgrade. I have been lying to everyone including, you! Real bad guy behavior. I am a dirt bag. It is fine. Using the Upgrade we have to make it a ‘community effort’. We have to speak to everyone in the house to make sure their voices are heard.”
The first person he spoke to was Cedric.
“I am going to tell people I have to put up Tucker, straight-up. I also need to know from people who might take him off the block and who might be a great competitor to keep him on the block,” he said.
Cedric wondered if it would be a tactical move to put him and Makensy on the block.
“I trust you enough not to send me home this week,” said Cedric.
“My only thought is I am not guaranteed to play in the veto” replied Quinn.
“Also I am going to make a point of saying this. People are trying to say I am lying about the power. I don’t appreciate that because it is straight-up against the rules. My power is I get to control the nominations and the renoms. That is written. That is set in stone. Using production as a strategy and lying about my power is nothing I appreciate at all….I am going to make sure that I tell Tucker that,” said Quinn to Cedric. “Hopefully he apologizes. I didn’t appreciate that when I found that out.”
When Cedric left the room Quinn spoke to the cameras. Cedric is up there when it comes to Quinn’s final two. “He did put a lot on the line for me but he is too connected to Chelsie and Cam,” he said.
Speaking to Cam next Quinn made the same accusations against Tucker. Speaking to the cameras Quinn said he used to believe that Cam was the best player weeks ago. He has an “incredible talent” in being to disarm people and charm them. Quinn stated that the best players are Chelsie, Brooklyn and Cedric.
Meanwhile, Angela had an interesting chat with Tucker.
“I have a lot to fill you in on. First of all, I know this is Big Brother but almost from Day One I was complete drawn to you with your outgoing personality and your showmanship has been amazing!,” began Angela thanking him for the compassion he has shown her.
“I can tell you with my whole heart, Big Brother aside, you will not be able to trust another person in this house as you will be able to trust me. I will not trust another person as much as I trust you…Whatever I tell you will be the honest truth. No bulls—t,” Angela promised him and he promised her the same as they hugged.
“I know everyone is out to get me,” said Tucker shrugging his shoulders.
“I am only here because you made that so multiple times,” replied a thankful Angela.
Angela explained to Tucker that Quinn stayed behind when she got her HoH room last night.
“He told me that he will use the power today, which I already knew. It kind of makes my job a little bit easier. He didn’t tell me yes or no but I still think I have the power to put the last person up,” she said.
Angela told him if she picks the final nominee she will confer with him first.
“I am going to be my best to get that f—–g veto,” Tucker promised. “After the veto ceremony he cannot pick someone, right?”.
“I don’t think so,” said Angela.
“I don’t think so either. He has been telling people that after I blew his cover,” Tucker replied.
Big Brother airs on Global TV on Wednesdays and Thursdays at 8:00-9:00 PM, ET/PT and Sundays at 9:00-10:00 PM, ET/PT.
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