Big Brother Live Feed Update: HoH basks in their power
Big Brother Live Feed Update: HoH basks in their power

Chelsie Baham, Makensy Manbeck and Leah Peters. Photo: CBS.
All of the power is in Makensy’s hands this week. She is not only the Head of Household but she also won last night’s Power of Veto competition.
Angela timed out of the challenge that seemed to involve animals and sounds, perhaps?
As HoH, Makensy has nominated Angela and Kimo for eviction.
Makensy’s wins this week have put her on Chelsie and Cam’s radar though. They spoke about taking her out soon.
“She’s not playing next week,” said Cam to Chelsie in one of the bedrooms.
“That will do it,” replied Chelsie with glee.
Throughout the day Chelsie kept needling Makensy to nominate or take a shot at Leah to the point of claiming that Leah was coaching Angela on how to play the game.
“I don’t want her to be upset at me. I am trying to play a faithful game and an honest game,” answered Makensy saying that if she stabbed Leah in the back now she would hold that against her for the rest of the game.
Right before bedtime Angela had yet another breakdown. Kimo checked on her. She said her stomach was in knots.
“I hope they (the producers) don’t call me in tonight. I don’t think I could give them what they want,” said Angela.

Makensy Manbeck. Photo: CBS.
“I just feel sad. Why me and you?” she cried.
Kimo gave her a hug.
“I am sorry. I am just a crybaby,” sobbed Angela.
“I am the same way,” said Kimo. “It is time to be strong.”
Chatting with Chelsie and Cam in one of the bedrooms, Makensy was still elevated by her win.
“I don’t mean to say anything but I won today by a lot, by a lot,” she said proudly.
“I cannot believe that Angela timed out,” said Cam.
“You cannot talk Mr. Forty-Minutes,” joked Chelsie.
Chelsie said Cam is incapable of giving anyone flowers and started yelling at him about not congratulating her when she won.
“You have never congratulated me, ever!” she said.
“First of all, just because you are so loud doesn’t mean you are right,” countered Cam saying he has complimented Chelsie many times.
Outside in the backyard, Makensy and Rubina mocked Chelsie and Cam for their constant bickering like a married couple. Makensy got a kick out of watching them go at it again.
Their conversation then turned to dissing Leah.
“She told me she feels sooo bad about T’kor,” said Rubina rolling her eyes.
“She said to me today…Look at us! Look at us! I was like…What? Who do you think is running this house? I was like…Do you not remember telling me yesterday that you wanted Chelsie out of this house? She wants everyone gone except ‘me’ and Angela,” said Makensy.
Makensy knows that Leah wants her gone after Chelsie.