Big Brother Live Feed Update: HoH convinced to flip-flop?
Big Brother Live Feed Update: HoH convinced to flip-flop?

Chelsie Baham. Photo: CBS.
Just yesterday HoH Makensy told Chelsie and Cam that Leah was completely off the table as a target and a nominee.
“I don’t want her to be upset at me. I am trying to play a faithful game and an honest game,” she said. Makensy has nominated Kimo and Angela for eviction but also won the Power of Veto over the weekend.
Today, Makensy is singing a different tune entirely.
Makensy, Chelsie and Cam discussed in the kitchen how Leah, Rubina and Kimo were talking late last night.
“She (Leah) is trying to grab them on her side because she knows Angela is going,” said Chelsie.
Chelsie claimed that when she poked her head outside to say goodnight to Kimo, Leah and Rubina that Leah looked “startled”.
“She is going to try and make it us three versus those three,” said Chelsie.
Cam suggested that Makensy put her up now.
“You have her best interest in mind. She does not have yours,” said Chelsie.

Makensy Manbeck. Photo: CBS.
Kimo came in from outside and their conversation ended.
When he left, Chelsie continued to paint Leah as a target. She called her “disconnected” from the game.
“I know you are considering jury management, however, jury is more than just her. Jury is going to consider the moves that we all make,” warned Chelsie.
Makensy argued she is keeping Leah in the house because she is Kimo and Rubina’s target.
“Angela and Leah are the biggest reasons that T’kor is not here,” said Chelsie. Chelsie is sure that Leah is controlling Angela.
“I am aware of what Leah does and she doesn’t have my best interest,” said Makensy.
“She doesn’t have your back. If we get Angela out she will be further in Kimo and Rubina’s ears,” argued Chelsie.
Cam insisted that everyone wants Leah out and Makensy doing that will score the most jury votes.
Makensy said she was going to chat with Rubina and Kimo later about everything.
Chelsie said that Leah has the ability to make you feel like you are her “bestie” and then she will stab you in the back. Chelsie then accused Angela of throwing Makensy under the bus during her HoH.
When Leah entered the kitchen the chatter stopped.
Makensy touched base with Rubina in the HoH room later on. Rubina is sure that Leah’s final three is her, Angela and Cam. Makensy agreed.
“I need to know if she is saying some s—t. Even though I want a normal week I am not going to have someone f—k over me and my friends,” said Makensy of Leah.
“I am debating taking Kimo off and putting her up,” said Makensy. “I think that would also show loyalty to Kimo and I want Kimo here.”
“He is better for your game than she is,” said Rubina.
“I feel if she does win HoH she will put Chelsie and me up,” replied Makensy.
Will Makensy be persuaded to nominate Leah? We will find out at tomorrow’s veto ceremony.