Big Brother live feed update: Houseguests admit their patience with one of their own is wearing thin
Big Brother live feed update: Houseguests admit their patience with one of their own is wearing thin

Chelsie Baham, Makensy Manbeck and Leah Peters. Photo: CBS.
Although she did get her pictures from home and her treats, new HoH Leah is ‘roughing it’ in the backyard with the rest of the houseguests surviving on pizza and ice cream.
Leah did have her awkward one-on-ones though bringing the houseguests upstairs to the balcony, loft like area to be away from the other players. She did mention to some of them that Rubina and Kimo would be her nominations.
They spoke mostly about strengthening their bonds. “It is going to be hard no matter who is nominated,” said Leah to Rubina. She wants to continue to grow their relationship.
Leah admitted that after her ally Quinn was voted out she spiraled. She is also the type of person who doesn’t want to burden people with he problems.
“I am worried that I won’t get to play (HoH) next week,” Leah confessed.
Makensy pointed out that in the endurance competition if they pressed too hard on the buttons they had to keep pressed down the buttons slipped.
Leah told Makensy she had nothing to worry about this week and they are still a strong pair.

Leah Peters. Photo: CBS.
She expressed to Leah how tight the three are (Kimo, Rubina and T’kor). They are a clear and present threat in the house.
“If any one of us is sitting next to them in the end we are screwed,” said Chelsie insisting they need to be broken up.
Leah stated that her decision is a hard one. T’kor spoke about how everyone is a human being in the game.
Once the nominations were over, T’kor and Rubina complained about how much they cannot stand Angela. T’kor admitted that when they have to dance on the dance floor as the task requires them to, she stays away from Angela. They both agreed they cannot stand the sound of her voice or her very presence any longer. T’kor wants to nominate her and put her back on the block “where she belongs”.
It has been revealed that Rubina is on the block. It is thought, although not confirmed, that Kimo is the other nominee. Since the ceremony Kimo has been staying alone, sleeping a lot of the time and not talking or interacting much with the other houseguests as they are stuck living in the backyard.
Big Brother airs on Global TV on Wednesdays and Thursdays at 8:00-9:00 PM, ET/PT and Sundays at 9:00-10:00 PM, ET/PT.
Stay tuned for more news, views, interviews and live feed spoilers all season long and watch the latest episodes here.
Big Brother live feed update: Big Brother houseguests evicted