Big Brother live feed update: Is the HoH on a power trip or just a ‘rat catcher’?
Big Brother live feed update: Is the HoH on a power trip or just a ‘rat catcher’?

As this week’s HoH, Tucker nominated Quinn, Brooklyn and Cam for eviction. Today, Tucker used his Power of Veto to put the rest of his plan into action. He took his nemesis Quinn off the block and nominated Chelsie in his place hoping that Quinn will repay the favour later on.
Speaking to Makensy in the HoH room Tucker said he had enough of Brooklyn throwing everyone under the bus especially Rubina.
“They (Brooklyn and Chelsie) are really good. That is why I had to take Quinn off and put Chelsie up. There are bigger snakes in here and there are bigger fish to fry than Quinn right now,” proclaimed Tucker.
“I agree with that,” said Makensy immediately in response.
“They are sitting in there trying to pull back all of these pieces that just got blown up,” said Tucker of Brooklyn and Chelsie who were downstairs.

Chelsie Baham, Makensy Manbeck, Tucker Des Lauriers and Quinn Martin. Photo: CBS .
“I want to work with people in this place and nobody wants to work with me,” groused Tucker.
“I have,” said Makensy immediately in response.
“It was going to be us and Angela because we are all the ones on the outskirts. We are next in the pecking order,” Tucker predicted.
Tucker then detailed how he set a trap for Brooklyn and Quinn.
“I fed that s—t to Quinn to see who the word would spread to and it spread to Brooklyn. I know her (Chelsie) and Brooklyn are in a final two. I know it for a fact. I have heard from other people before and they are gone. Shout out to Kenney!” said Tucker to the cameras. “Expect the unexpected! That is what’s happening in here right now. Brooklyn is the Number One target!”.
“She ratted on all of them. She was the first one to talk to me,” Tucker said of Brooklyn and her allies.
Tucker hoped that by saving Quinn this week that Quinn pays him back and doesn’t target him in the game.
“I hope that throwing him that makes him realize I just saved his ass and I got him into jury,” he said.
Tucker told Makensy he knew who threw his clothes all over during the veto competition.
“I am exposing everyone. There are a lot of rats and liars in here. It was Brooklyn who f—-d with my clothes. It was her. It was my stuff, T’kor’s, Kimo’s and Angela’s. All on the floor. She hates all of us…She wasted more time being petty and angry than playing that f—–g game!” he said.
Downstairs, Brooklyn and Chelsie chatted about Tucker’s vendetta.
“They truly have no reason to get rid of you and they have no reason to get rid of Cam other than nobody knows what Cam is planning to do. I think it is fair to say that we are all fighting for jury at this point and there is one winner. You either get out the winner and everyone has a fair shot or congratulations you have all made it to jury. One of us will get to sit beside him and get a landslide vote to give it to him and if anyone doesn’t think that, they are silly little sillies,” said Brooklyn of Tucker.

Brooklyn Rivera. Photo: CBS.
“His gameplay is to blow up everyone’s gameplay and then win,” continued Brooklyn.
“It is awful how he went about it,” said Chelsie with her head in her hands.
“He vetted nothing,” said Brooklyn of Tucker’s accusations.
“He wants his TV moment,” replied Chelsie.
“He is on a power trip. I expect everyone to tell me their entire game right now or else!” said Brooklyn.
Big Brother airs on Global TV on Wednesdays and Thursdays at 8:00-9:00 PM, ET/PT and Sundays at 9:00-10:00 PM, ET/PT.
Stay tuned for more news, views, interviews and live feed spoilers all season long and watch the latest episodes here.
Big Brother Live Feed Update: Finger-pointing begins over malicious Veto act