Big Brother Live Feed Update: Nominee pities the competition
Big Brother Live Feed Update: Nominee pities the competition

Although she may feel sorry for going off on him Matt is still one of Angela’s targets.
At the veto meeting, Lisa used the power to take herself off the block. Angela nominated Matt alongside Kimo and Kenney. All three nominees will duel it out in a live competition on Thursday. The winner will come off the block leaving two final nominees.
After the meeting a perturbed Matt spoke with Quinn in the backyard.
“She (Angela) said maybe passionate was a better word (than aggressive). I told her those are synonymous words. For you to say another man was aggressive to a woman is a lot different than a man was passionate towards a woman,” he groused.
“My whole stance is that two things can be true at once,” answered Quinn.
Matt asked Tucker if he had his vote to stay if he doesn’t win the competition on Thursday.
“F—k, yeah, bro,” said Tucker also saying that Angela has put a huge target on her back. Tucker claimed he doesn’t even want to talk to her any longer.
“There is no one to trust,” Tucker exclaimed.
“I hate it for Kimo and Keeney because now the next three days for them is a feeling like there is no hope. That sucks,” said Matt.
Quinn told Matt that if Kimo goes home this week he will need a minute to compose himself because Kimo has a big heart.
“It will hurt a lot if I have to vote against Kimo,” said Quinn.
“I appreciate that and I understand,” replied Matt.
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