Big Brother live feed update: Otev ends abruptly, Angela under suspicion
Big Brother live feed update: Otev ends abruptly, Angela under suspicion

The much-anticipated yearly Otev competition has ended up being a massive disappointment when Makensy reportedly won it in just one round.
Makensy admitted to Chelsie in the bathroom afterwards she capitalized on a mistake others made about Tucker competing in a challenge. They were all wrong and she was the only right answer meaning that Otev perhaps lasted only one turn.
She also claimed that Angela tried to trick her into picking the wrong answer and that made her angry.
“She tried to play you,” said Chelsie.
“Oh, hard but I already knew I was right,” replied Makensy.
“She was literally rooting for Kimo to get it because she wants one of them off,” said Makensy.
“I know,” replied Chelsie.
“I knew I had one it after just one round. They are idiots and I didn’t even mean to really win in the very first round,” laughed Makensy.
“What is she trying to scheme?” asked Chelsie about Angela.
“I don’t know but why did she want me to lose and why was she trying to get me to lose?” asked Makensy.
Makensy and Chelsie decided to see who everyone wants to vote out this week and make their veto choice based on that.
Earlier in the day, they spoke in the HoH room about how to navigate this week.
“How are you feeling about today?” asked Chelsie.
“I feel blessed and energized,” said Makensy who had a good night’s sleep last night.
Makensy and Chelsie both agreed that they are so glad that Tucker is gone. They hope there isn’t a Battle Back.
Chelsie threw out the idea that the house doesn’t trust Leah any more.
“They don’t know where she stands with anyone,” she said.
“I don’t even know where she stands,” said Makensy.

Chelsie Baham. Photo: CBS.
They chatted about how Leah had a final two with Joseph and Brooklyn.
“She had final twos with more people than us. I didn’t have a final two with Brooklyn,” laughed Chelsie.
“Dang, what the hell, Texas?” Makensy snickered.
They then began talking about the benefits of keeping Angela in the game.
“The pros there is she will be put up before either of us and she is really leaning towards this girls thing,” said Chelsie telling Makensy that she explained to Angela the benefits this late in the game of being a perpetual pawn against bigger targets.
They spoke about playing the game via gender, targeting all the men and getting them out.
“Either way it is not necessarily bad to not send her home,” said Chelsie.
HoH Chelsie has nominated Angela and Kimo for eviction.
Big Brother airs on Global TV on Wednesdays and Thursdays at 8:00-9:00 PM, ET/PT and Sundays at 9:00-10:00 PM, ET/PT.
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