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Big Brother Live Feed Update: Houseguest’s run of bad luck continues

Big Brother Live Feed Update: Houseguest’s run of bad luck continues

Big Brother Live Feed Update: Houseguest’s run of bad luck continues

Leah Peters. Photo: CBS.


By John Powell – GlobalTV.com

Quinn’s nightmare week of Big Brother continues. Not only did one of his closest allies go home on his HoH, not only did he lose to Tucker in the HoH Wall endurance challenge last night but today he has been nominated for eviction.

HoH Tucker has nominated Brooklyn, Quinn and Cam for eviction.

Quinn is Tucker’s main target though. He nominated Brooklyn because he believes she keeps throwing others under the bus and then backing that proverbial bus back over them, at least according to Tucker. Cam, because Tucker believes he lied about not knowing who the third vote to keep Cedric was but also because he thinks Cam can win the veto.

During her chat with Tucker last night after the Wall competition Brooklyn continued to throw Leah, T’kor and Kemo under the bus.

“I have not lied to anybody in this house,” she said.

Tucker responded that he never expected a 6 to 3 vote.

“I am going to go after Quinn. Everyone knows that,” said Tucker.

Tucker explained that before the competition he offered Quinn a deal. He said if it came down to just them two and Quinn threw it to Tucker he wouldn’t put him up. Quinn immediately said he couldn’t do that and started to get all emotional.

“It was something serious. His beef with people back home,” said Tucker saying that he respected his decision but he would make the same offer on the Wall if he came down to that.

“He just started throwing s—t back at me,” said Tucker.

Brooklyn stated that Quinn knows the game better than anyone and when a competition comes up with that kind of knowledge he will win.

T’Kor Clottey. Photo: CBS.

“He makes me uncomfortable because he is a good competitor,” said Tucker.

When Tucker met with Leah he told her she wasn’t on his radar at all.

“I am going to put your love up though,” laughed Tucker.

“Who is that?” said a perplexed Leah.

“Quinn,” laughed Tucker.

“Ugh. Please,” said Leah.

“He is the only public enemy everyone knows I am after,” replied Tucker.

“If you were in my position what would you think?” asked Tucker.

“That everyone is as fake as f—k,” said Leah.

“Hardcore,” answered Tucker.

Tucker Des Lauriers. Photo: CBS.

When Joseph chatted with Tucker he let him know that he expressly told Quinn to bury the hatchet with Tucker. Joseph asked Tucker if he found out anything else since they last spoke.

“Brooklyn is doubling-down backing the bus over Kemo and T’kor. She sees them as a threat,” said Tucker.

“They really don’t think we are together. It is funny. Dude, this could be one of the greatest final twos ever!” laughed Joseph about their alliance.

Tucker told Joe that when he won the second veto he looked down the line and could tell who was really supporting him and who was totally faking it.



Big Brother airs on Global TV on Wednesdays and Thursdays at 8:00-9:00 PM, ET/PT and Sundays at 9:00-10:00 PM, ET/PT.



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Big Brother Live Feed Update: Wall comp crowns new HoH, blindside eviction has players scrambling