Big Brother Live Feed Update: Veto win changes everything
Big Brother Live Feed Update: Veto win changes everything

Rubina Bernabe. Photo: CBS.
Tucker is on a roll. He has won his second veto competition in a row.
Unlike last week where he was hung out to dry by HoH Cedric, Tucker has declared that he will use the Power of Veto to save himself this week. That will leave Makensy and Cedric on the block and HoH Quinn will be forced to name a new nominee to compete in the AI Arena next Thursday night.
Quinn used his Upgrade – Deep Fake HoH – to hijack Angela’s HoH this week rendering her win pointless. His goal was to get Tucker out.
“My back hurts carrying the whole team,” joked Tucker in the storage room to himself.
Angela joined him in celebrating.
“I am so proud of you! Be proud of yourself!” she said hugging him.
“I am all fired up! I will see Ziggy later,” he said.
We assume he means his dog back home.
“I need at least another week, Zig! It looks like daddy is chilling here a little longer!” Tucker said pointing to the cameras.
Tucker’s plan is to win HoH next week and go after Quinn and Cedric.
Chelsie was also speaking to the cameras and giving her thoughts in another bedroom.
“Me and Brooklyn are going to try to get Kimo to tell Tucker if he takes himself off the block we are going to put Rubina up. Tell me that ain’t a good plan. Hopefully he doesn’t use the veto and doesn’t win the AI and we can get him out of this house. He has been literally winning everything. This plan will go to waste if he wins AI. The tier of who I want to see go home is Tucker, Makensy. She is a ‘hot mess express’. The spirit of dumb-assery has overtaken the minds of these houseguests,” she said laughing.
Big Brother airs on Global TV on Wednesdays and Thursdays at 8:00-9:00 PM, ET/PT and Sundays at 9:00-10:00 PM, ET/PT.
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