Big Brother players become AI Mascots
Big Brother players become AI Mascots

By John Powell –
Cedric and Chelsie have had their Big Brother games downgraded.
BB AI Ainsle handed out the punishments on night two of the season 26 premiere.
Because both Cedric and Chelsie didn’t vote in Ainsle to enter the game and lost a punishment competition they have become AI Mascots.
As AI Mascots this week they cannot:
- Compete for Head of Household
Compete for the Power of Veto
Vote during the first live eviction
They will instead be “cheering on the other players at those three events”.
They can also be nominated for eviction and voted out. This puts them both in a very dangerous position because they cannot rely on winning the veto to save themselves this week.

The houseguests gather in the living room. Courtesy: CBS.
On the opposite side of the Big Brother spectrum Makensy and Quinn will receive upgrades to their games. One will receive the Deep Fake HoH while the other America’s Veto. Who will get which power and what the powers are will be revealed on Sunday’s show.
Here is this week’s Big Brother schedule on Global:
Friday, July 19 (8:00-10pm):
A special encore of the two-night premiere will air back-to-back.
Sunday, July 21 (9:00-10:30pm):
A special 90-minute episode of Big Brother where there will be a big change to the nominations and evictions.