Big Brother Rewind: Big Brother USA All-Stars
Big Brother Rewind: Big Brother USA All-Stars

By John Powell –
They came. They saw. They ate slop for the very first time. Big Brother All-Stars was a big deal in 2006 bringing together some of the very best players the American edition had ever seen as well as some of the most entertaining.
Here is a look back at a season many fans consider to be one of the best ever produced.
Big Brother All-Stars 2 premieres with a two-hour live move-in episode on Wednesday, August 5 (9:00-11:00 PM, live ET/delayed PT) on Global TV. Following the premiere, the series will air three times a week: Sundays and Wednesdays (8:00-9:00 PM, ET/PT), and Thursdays (8:00-9:00 PM, live ET/delayed PT), featuring the live eviction show hosted by Julie Chen Moonves.
A Sloppy Diet
The peanut butter and jelly have-not diet goes the way of producer Arnold Shapiro and slop makes its debut becoming synonymous with every season of Canada and USA since.
Pre-Game Partnerships
Mr and Mrs. Smith. Chilltown. Even before a single episode of this season ever aired many of the houseguests had formed pre-game alliances. Mike “Boogie” Malin and Will Kirby were already friends. Erika and Mike were dating before the series. James, Will, Danielle and Mike had created a pre-game alliance before entering the house called The Legion of Doom. Diane and Jase also had a pre-game partnership they called Mr. and Mrs. Smith based on the 2005 hit movie starring Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt. Poor old Chicken George’s only pre-game alliance was with Julie Chen.
ChillTown Calls
Starting on episode five Boogie and Dr. Will began having some fun with their fellow houseguests and the show by staging humourous phone calls to each other in the Diary Room. They continued doing so throughout the season. The calls culminated with Boogie’s unanswered phone call to Dr. Will when he was voted out of the house on Day 65.
George’s Sacrifice
During Week Three, Chicken George won a Veto Competition by agreeing to go on a slop diet for the rest of the season. He was on slop from that time until he was evicted five weeks later.
Dr. Will’s Epic Speech
On the block with Chicken George, Will was asked to make an obligatory speech about why George should use the veto on him. Will took the opportunity to give one of the most clever and humourous speeches in Big Brother history.
Instead of arguing his case, Will ponded by he wasn’t as motivated to play hard as he did during the season he won. He had a heart-to-heart with himself and came up with the answer.
“The season that I won there were a lot of people I hated and it was easy for me to motivate myself and find individuals that I disliked. It gave me power. It gave me a reason to want to play. It gave me a reason to want to fight. It gave me a reason to want to remove people from the game.”
“Then, I thought…So why haven’t I had that motivation? I thought it was because I really liked everyone here but then I realized it was the opposite of that. I can’t find an individual to hate because I hate you all. There’s no one I hate more than anyone else.”
“This is what I’m going to do. I’m going to ask to be removed from this game by you all. Now, if you refuse to kick me out I will be throwing every competition. I will throw every HOH. I will throw every POV and I will throw every food competition. I will do my best to ensure that we all are on slop unless you get together have a big group meeting and vote me out.”
“So, Chicken George please don’t use the power of veto on me. I want this nomination to stay in place. I encourage you to use it on yourself.”
Jase And Marcellas Snap
Upon hearing that he wasn’t really a member of Chilltown and he was going to be backdoored, Jase threw his water cup and a pillow across the yard. Those weren’t the only things he tossed around though. He argued with HoH James calling the strategy a “bitch move” and then dragged Marcellas into the conversation throwing him under the bus. Jase accused Marcellas of having a blabber mouth, wanting the Season Six Alliance gone and it all kicked off from there.
Solitary Confinement
The gym was converted into an empty room. During the Veto Competition, Danielle agreed to spend 24 hours in there alone, although the other housguests still spoke to her through the door during her exile.
All-Star Returns
Starting with Big Brother Two semi-finalist Nicole Schaffrich, a host of former houseguests returned to host, judge or participate in competitions. The guests included: Holly King, Hardy Ames-Hill, Josh Feinberg, Jack Owens, Jun Song, Marvin Latimer, Scott Long, Eric Littmann and April Lewis.
Marcellas, Janelle Are Bamboozled
One of the most infamous plays and blunders of Big Brother history happened during All-Stars. Chilltown convinced Janelle to nominate Marcellas, her friend and partner in the game. Marcellas was then sent packing by a unanimous vote shocking Janelle and stunning Marcellas.
The Coup d’Etat
Easy come. Easy go. Coup d’Etat was a failed twist introduced in episode 15. The power was good for three weeks allowing the possessor to secretly overthrow the Head of Household and replace their nominations. Mike won the power in a special competition but he elected not to use for two weeks and won HoH in the third week rendering it useless.
Howie and Mike Square Off
Howie was voted out Week Seven, however, right before the vote Mike had told him he was safe. Howie confronted Mike as he left the house. Howie grabbed Mike’s hat off his head and threw it away. Howie called Mike out for lying to his face and referred to him as a “little punk”. James stepped between the two as Mike told Howie to “Get to steppin” and called him a “class act”. Howie told Mike to kiss his butt as he opened the door leaving the house.
Janelle, James And The “Little Harm”
Episode 19 saw the first OTEV competition in which the houseguests had to collect specific objects and “sacrifice” them to the Big Brother god. It is like musical chairs with someone being eliminated every round until there is one winner. During OTEV, Janelle and James fought over a voodoo doll. Janelle kicked James and scratched his hand as they did so. In the Diary Room following the competition and the altercation, James claimed to be assaulted by Janelle “I am harmed. It is a little harm but it is still a harm,” he protested.
Party Time
While the jury was sequestered not only did they have to shift locations because of a hurricane, the group slipped past security for a night of partying that was widely reported at the time.
Big Brother Heartbreak
Mike had been dating Erika before the series began. During the series Mike routinely ridiculed her in the Diary Room and admitted to using their relationship to further himself in the game. Fans didn’t appreciate Mike’s machinations and neither did Erika or her family.
Fan Vote
CBS held a viewer poll before the series began. While the producers would be picking six houseguests to participate, there were twenty candidates fans could vote on. The top four male and female houseguests were permitted to enter the house and play.