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Big Brother Spoilers: A House Target Emerges

Big Brother Spoilers: A House Target Emerges

Big Brother Spoilers: A House Target Emerges


By John Powell – GlobalTV.com

The Big Brother house seems to be unifying against a target this week.

Things began unraveling for Taylor Hale, the personal stylist from Michigan, late Saturday night on the live feeds.

Things kicked off with Monte and Joseph pulling down the shades down and bringing Paloma into one of the bedrooms for a discrete chat. Paloma, who has not had a good night’s sleep in days, was about to get ready for bed.

“This was the last straw for me with Taylor. She said that you were going after the big dogs in the house,” Monte told Paloma.

“That is a big lie,” said a stunned Paloma.

“I am just telling you. I knew that was b——t,” said Monte.

Paloma wrapped up the conversation thanking them both for alerting her to what was happening behind her back.

“I will have to investigate further,” she concluded.

Paloma quickly met her with two of her allies – Indy and Alyssa – in the bathroom. She broke the news to them.

“They told me Taylor is telling all these lies about me and attacking my character,” she said. “She is such a bad liar and is trying to target me.”

“Daniel is already thinking of putting her up. She needs to go up. She is lying. She is coming after me,” an upset Paloma continued.

Indy advised Paloma to repeat all of this to Head of Household Daniel.

“She doesn’t intimidate me at all. That is such a low move,” said Paloma defiantly.

“Send her home this week,” said Alyssa curtly.

Later on in the evening, Taylor could be seen on the feeds crying in the bathroom.

“You are f—–g kidding me,” she said to herself as she wiped the tears away.

Paloma set about working the house, telling anyone who would listen what Monte had told her. She pulled Nicole into a private meeting to spread the word even more.

“Taylor is making up all these lies about me,” said Paloma as Nicole sat down on the edge of a bed.

“She is a powerless and everyone hates her guts,” stated Paloma.

“I am shocked because I am the only one who has really been her friend in the house. Now, it is apparent I am her ONLY friend in the house,” replied Nicole shaking her head.

Paloma finally went to bed. Taylor was in the same bedroom. As the two talked openly about the state of the house and not getting enough sleep, Taylor admitted that she had a moment, a breakdown in the bathroom earlier.

“I just started crying for no reason,” she said.

Paloma didn’t stay in bed for too long though. Once Daniel was out of the Diary Room after spending hours in there, Paloma let him in on what had been happening since he had been gone.

“Obviously, Taylor is going home. I am glad she wasn’t outside or I would have lost my s–t,” said Daniel to Paloma, Nicole and Monte in the HoH room.

Alyssa Snider, Daniel Durston, Taylor Hale and Michael Bruner. Photo Courtesy: CBS.

Daniel must name another nominee at Monday’s veto ceremony as Michael won the power and will be taking himself off the block.

Daniel had nominated Terrance and Michael.

  • Watch the season premiere here.

