Big Brother Spoilers: The final three await the final HoH
Big Brother Spoilers: The final three await the final HoH

By John Powell –
It was déjà vu for petroleum engineer Cliff Hogg.
For the second time this season, he was voted out of the Big Brother house.
That leaves Jackson Michie, Nicole Anthony and Holly Allen as the final three this season.
Cliff was voted out of the game in Week Three but won the Camp Comeback competition to win his way back into the house.
On the live eviction show, Power of Veto winner Jackson took himself off the block and with no other houseguests to choose from Head of Household Nicole had to nominate Cliff in Jackson’s place beside Holly.
“This has never been personal and as much as this decision kills me, I am glad that I can look everyone in this house in the eye when I make it. I love you all and I ultimately have to do what is best for my game and that is like you (Cliff) said adapting to my environment and as much as this kills me, Cliff I am sorry. I must vote you out,” said Jackson as he cast the sole vote to evict Cliff.
In her interview with him, host Julie Chen Moonves criticized Cliff’s strategy.
“In what world would he (Jackson) take Cliff Hogg over his girlfriend in the final two?” she asked.
“It makes you wonder doesn’t it? It is a situation where he was always truthful with me. I was gullible,” Cliff admitted.
Part one of the final Head of Household will air on this Sunday’s episode.
Next Wednesday the finale of Big Brother airs at 9:30 ET on Global TV.