Big Brother Spoilers: Veto Ceremony Brings Disappointment
Big Brother Spoilers: Veto Ceremony Brings Disappointment

Big Brother's Jasmine Davis. Photo Courtesy: CBS.
By John Powell –
Pooch didn’t get the reprieve he had so desperately wanted today. Instead, his devious plan to get Taylor out of the house has blown up in his face.
Michael decided not to use the Power of Veto leaving Pooch and Taylor on the block.
Alyssa and Ameerah sorted through their clothes when the meeting was over and Michael’s decision was made.
“Now, you have nothing to do the rest of the day. The day is over,” laughed Ameerah.
“Pretty much. That was fast. Don’t you think it was faster than the last one?” said Alyssa sorting her tops and shorts, putting her laundry away.
“It was. Maybe we are getting better. I wasn’t falling asleep this time and I was staring straight ahead so I think that maybe people are getting the hang of it,” chuckled Ameerah.
“Are you going to wear a nice dress on the live show?” asked Alyssa.
“No, because I am not getting evicted,” laughed Ameerah again.
As if on cue, a very nervous Pooch entered the room. He sat down beside Ameerah.
“I think I am fine, I think,” he stuttered.
The women complimented him on the speech he gave at the meeting.
“I focused on what I wanted. I hope it was what you guys wanted too,” he stammered.
“We have two and a half more days of chilling in the house,” said Alyssa.
Pooch checked in with Monte and Turner at the pool table.
Turner told Monte and Pooch that Taylor’s main campaign so far has been to put Monte in her place instead.
“Her campaign was not successful so I doubt it will carry over to the vote,” said Turner.
“There is nothing scarier than a bunch of petty girls,” Pooch warned. “That is why I feel good this week. Those petty ass girls won’t change their minds (about Taylor).”
“They will go after each other,” said Monte.
“Emotions will take over not strategy,” observed Pooch.
Big Brother USA airs three times a week on Global TV. It airs Sundays and Wednesdays (8:00-9:00 PM, ET/PT) and Thursdays (9:00-10:00 PM, live ET/delayed PT), featuring the live eviction show hosted by Julie Chen Moonves.