Cameron rooting for fellow Fugitives
Cameron rooting for fellow Fugitives

Cameron Hardin and Julie Chen Moonves. Photo: Sonja Flemming/CBS.
By John Powell –
He was the scourge of the Big Brother house. The house targeted and unanimously eliminated the threat he posed during the seventh week. He returned as a zombie winning the right to reenter the house and the game. Last night, Cameron Hardin was unanimously banished to the jury house where there is no coming back. His game has finally ended.
Cameron was one of the strongest strategists and competition beasts this season having won HoH three times and the Power of Veto twice. Before he entered the jury house Cameron briefly spoke to GlobalTV and reflected on his tumultuous Big Brother journey.

Jared Fields, Cameron Hardin and Julie Chen Moonves. Photo: Sonja Flemming/CBS.
John Powell: Do you wish you had put Cory on the block instead of Felicia and Mecole during your third HoH? Why or why not?
Cameron Hardin: If I had a time machine to go back to possibly put Cory on the block I believe that I would have backdoored him. Not necessarily because he was such a competitor and that I don’t think I could have beat him in a veto. I won the veto that week. I had all the power. I wish I would have just trusted my gut and went and put him on the block. I would have sat him next to Felicia. I definitely would have backdoored him with the knowledge that I have now, of course.
John Powell: Do you feel betrayed by The Fugitives?
Cameron Hardin: You know, I’m an optimistic guy. As of right now, I don’t believe that there was a master plan from The Fugitives to go after me because I haven’t necessarily watched my goodbye messages either so I don’t know if anything’s going to be revealed to me in that manner. I felt like the three of us were honestly working together. Now that might change in the course of the next two or three hours (laughs) but I feel as though they probably got turned against me and they voted against me and that’s okay. They’re playing the best possible game that they can. I’m pulling for Matt or Jag to win this bad boy. I hope that they go as far as they can because I really love those guys.

Cameron Hardin and Blue Kim. Photo: CBS.
John Powell: What do you think was the weakest part of your game or your fatal flaw?
Cameron Hardin: My fatal flaw in the game is something that Cirie actually taught me so if I if I get the opportunity to run this thing back and play Big Brother again I definitely am going to take her words of advice. One of the things that she told me was you don’t have to tell people what you think about other people. It was something that I probably knew along the way but never put into practice in the game. One of my downfalls was talking too much. Trusting in a conversation, not necessarily putting too much trust in people, but trusting that a conversation would just stay between someone and me. I’d have to say one of my biggest flaws in the game was was probably talking too freely.

Cameron Hardin. Photo: CBS.
John Powell: Who do you hope follows you to the jury house and why?
Cameron Hardin: I want to make sure that Matt and Jag go as far as they can in this game as they are incredible competitors and even better human beings. I’ve never met two people who have such big hearts and that competed at the level that they do. We just meshed. Anybody outside of Matt and Jag? I don’t really particularly care about the order but everyone else can follow me to the jury house and hang out. I’ll have a cup of tea and crumpets ready for them. (Laughs)