Big Brother Live Feed Update: Finger-pointing begins over malicious Veto act
Big Brother Live Feed Update: Finger-pointing begins over malicious Veto act

‘Terminator’ Tucker just cannot be stopped.
HoH Tucker won today’s Power of Veto competition which means he has has all the power this week. The only thing he doesn’t control is who wins or loses the AI Arena competition on Thursday’s live show.
The Power of Veto competition was the Hide or Go Veto. In that challenge each player hides their Power of Veto card in the house one at a time. Individually, the players are allowed into the house to search for the cards for a limited amount of time. The person whose card is not found at the end of the rounds wins the competition.
As the houseguests were cleaning up the house following the competition Tucker found all of his clothes dumped on the floor. Incensed, he immediately accused Quinn of being the culprit.
“He’s a little bitch for doing it,” Tucker told Chelsie.
“Did he admit to it?” Chelsie asked.
Tucker answered that Quinn told him not to pin it on him.
“All your s—t was fine,” joked Tucker.
“It was definitely intentional,” said Chelsie.
“He is a f—–g rat,” said Tucker of Quinn.
“I cannot wait to watch the footage. I bet he was cheering to the cameras as he was doing it,” said Tucker.
“He probably came straight to this room. I put money on it for sure,” answered Chelsie.
Later, Tucker confronted Quinn in the kitchen.
“I found all my clothes on the floor, Quinn,” said Tucker.
“Don’t accuse me of that! I didn’t do it!” Quinn fired back.
“I am pretty darn sure that you did,” said Tucker as he continued sweeping the kitchen floor.
“And you are are wrong,” answered Quinn.
“Whatever. Have fun up there (on the block). You’ve got to battle in the AI Arena,” Tucker sniped back.
Later on, Angela whispered in Tucker’s ear.
“Cam did it,” she said.
“My clothes?” he asked.
“He did it 100 per cent,” she replied.
A few minutes later Tucker questioned Cam who steadfastly denied he had anything to do with it.
While all of this was going on a confession of sorts was being made in one of the bedrooms.
“Once I came into (the bedroom) and saw mine (my card) was found I found Cam’s immediately. I was like…” said Brooklyn making a throwing motion with her hands.
“With Kimo’s (clothes) I was like…That’s for lying to me!” continued Brooklyn making the same gesture.
Who REALLY made a mess of everyone’s clothes as they searched for the veto cards? We might find out on Wednesday’s episode.
Big Brother airs on Global TV on Wednesdays and Thursdays at 8:00-9:00 PM, ET/PT and Sundays at 9:00-10:00 PM, ET/PT.
Stay tuned for more news, views, interviews and live feed spoilers all season long and watch the latest episodes here.
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