Jared clarifies relationship status, playing in his mom’s shadow
Jared clarifies relationship status, playing in his mom’s shadow

Jared Fields. Photo: CBS.
By John Powell – GlobalTV.com
Being the son of a reality show icon like Cirie Fields can be a blessing and curse especially if you in the Big Brother house with your famous mother. Jared Fields entered the Big Brother house blanketed by his mom’s shadow but slowly but surely he established himself as one of the strongest competitors this season. There have been questions surrounding not only his relationship status outside the house and how he ended up as part of the biggest twist this season. Jared cleared things up for us sharing his thoughts about his Big Brother experience.
John Powell: You were really emotional last night when you left the house. How are you doing this morning, Jared?
Jared Fields: I’m taking it all in. It’s one of those things. It’s so bittersweet. I am happy that I did what I did. Happy that it’s over at this point. Going into this game I wanted to make it as far as possible and that being the end or at least the jury house. Taking that in is hard. I’m taking the good with the bad.

Jared Fields and Julie Chen Moonves. Photo: Sonja Flemming/CBS.
John Powell: Was it also that you were leaving your mom and Blue behind?
Jared Fields: For sure. More than anything, I knew Blue had it and I know my mom has it too. I don’t want to discredit everybody but being a son in that house I felt like this was my moment to try to move forward and protect my mom and show her that regardless of what happens I got her through everything. Just that moment of leaving and seeing her left behind, knowing that she lost her only person in the house that she could trust 100 per cent, it just hit a little different.
John Powell: Fans are wondering how you got cast on the show? Your mom has an established career on these shows and done very well.
Jared Fields: This was all through myself. I applied for the show. I went through all the same hoops that everybody else had to go through, the same process that everybody else did. Luckily, I was blessed enough to get the opportunity to come and play.
John Powell: Your mom has had a very successful career on these shows. Did you ever feel like you were under that cloud, that you had something to live up to because she’s done very well?
Jared Fields: Very early on in the game my mom told me: ‘Hey, make your own decisions. Do what you feel like you need to do and create your own legacy here. Don’t live under me. Listen to me, obviously, but you’ve got to make your own decisions and you’ve got to become your own player. I’m going to be happy for you and proud of you whatever it is that you’re doing, however far you go.’ It was always kind of in the back of my mind because I want to live up to that name. Very quickly I kind of dropped that attitude and was just like: ‘You know what? I got to play this game to further us in this game as much as possible.’

Jared Fields and Cameron Hardin. Photo: CBS.
John Powell: I can’t imagine my son being in the Big Brother house with me. What was it like being in there with your mom? You have this whole game dynamic going on but then you also have the personal dynamic and your relationship.
Jared Fields: That part of it was really funny! I found it comical! The best part of that was trying to separate relationships in the house from my mom’s because at the end of the day not everybody is as open with their mom about relationships. Believe it or not, before this, me and my mom talked about like five times a day, every single day. Monday through Sunday. She knew exactly what I was into, who I was interested in and what my personal life was like. Honestly, what made it worse was not being able to talk to her about it.
John Powell: How hard was it to keep that secret? We saw you enact a little strategy by using the names ‘Mama Cirie’ and ‘Mama Felicia’.
Jared Fields: It was super hard especially in just regular conversations! We would sit in a room and I’m like: ‘Hey, mom! Would you….’ And I’m like: ‘Oh, I can’t say that.’ It was really hard but being in that house for so long and having to adapt to acting as if she wasn’t my mom it was something that weirdly enough I actually picked up on. After a while it became a little bit easier in the latter days of my game there.
John Powell: Now, this has been talked a lot quite a bit by people who watch the live feeds and devoted fans of the show so I’m going to give you a chance to explain some of the dynamics in this but there’s talk that you did have a girlfriend before you went into the house then you met up with Blue. Can you explain the dynamics at play here so people completely understand?

Cirie Fields and Jared Fields. Photo: CBS.
Jared Fields: I just left with a seven year relationship. It was a really long relationship. Obviously seven years is not a short time by any stretch of the imagination. It was a fresh break-up for me and I was very open and honest with Blue about this and just let her know: ‘Obviously there’s something here between us. I’m interested in you and clearly you are interested in me but just so you know I just got out of a seven year long relationship. So, I’m not really looking to jump back into anything.’ Obviously, nature is nature and I can’t defy what’s going to happen there. Blue was really receptive about it and really open and helping me just kind of deal with the aftermath of such a long-term relationship, such a fresh break-up. She was really cool about it. She just got out of a relationship herself. That was four years. I was like: “We’ve got to figure it out. We can move forward if you want to but if you still need to give yourself some more time to just recoup from that break-up then so be it.’
John Powell: What do you hope for the future between you two after the show? Do you just want to be friends or explore something romantic? What’s your feelings on that, Jared?
Jared Fields: I’m not one to jinx the future. (laughs) I believe in letting things happen the way they happen. I believe in just letting things form the way they form but I do see see a bright future for me and Blue.
John Powell: Well, you did tell her your big secret. How much thought went into that? Was it an impulsive thing or was part of its strategy or what is like I might as well be completely honest with her because we formed this really close bond?

Jared Fields. Photo: CBS.
Jared Fields: It was kind of all of those things. Blue let me in on a really big secret of hers in that she is a strategist outside of the game. It was something that she offered to me as a crucial piece of information, almost like a peace offering. In other words: ‘Hey, I’m letting you know that I really trust you and I’m telling you something that I’m not going to tell absolutely no one else in this game.’ I did the same for her by letting her know: ‘Hey, listen, I got a secret.’ I felt as long as we knew that we held these kind of crucial pieces of information for each other it would keep the relationship strong and keep the relationship honest moving forward.
John Powell: Before you left the house did you try to bring them closer together?
Jared Fields: From the moment me and Blue started to get serious I told her that I really wanted her to work with Cirie but obviously I couldn’t tell her why at that time so that was another reason that it was pretty hard for me to try to navigate both of those relationships…I think the longer that I would have tried to keep that from Blue the worse it would have made our relationship. It would have just probably created another enemy for myself and for my mom.
John Powell: I’m going to give you a little get back here, Jared. Who do you want to follow you out of the house next and why?
Jared Fields: Oh, my boy, Cory! As much as I love you, bro, come and party with me on the outside, man! I’m welcoming you with open arms! I hope you come out that door right after me! I know this game is very intricate. I know it’s going to play out the whatever way it plays out and I have no influence over that anymore but if I could, if I could just tweak the fingers of Big Brother and put the magic into the house, I would love to see Cory walk out that door.
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