Live Feed Spoilers: HoH puts their alliance plan into motion
Live Feed Spoilers: HoH puts their alliance plan into motion

John Powell –
The crowning of the first HoH of the season has lit a fire under the houseguests to really start playing the Big Brother game in earnest.
Reilly began meeting with the houseguests individually pushing for a majority alliance of herself, Jag, Blue, Luke, Matt, Jared, Felicia and Cirie.
Jared was the first to bend her ear opening Reilly’s eyes to the possibility of teaming with him, Felicia and Cirie.
“I am so reluctant to talk game right now,” said Jared to Reilly in the HoH room referring to the mood in the house.
“I know and that’s the thing that’s killing me inside because I didn’t even know if I wanted to win the first HoH…This could work out in my favour because whoever I pull down is part of a team now. If I pull you off the block you are my buddy,” she said.
“Who do you feel comfortable with because I am thinking we are thinking one of the same people?” asked Jared.
They settled on Jag and Matt.
Reilly then laid her cards out for Jared.
“I want to play a game where I have full trust in my people. I don’t want to worry about if I cannot win HoH. I want to have numbers this week and I want to solidify something because this has never happened in Big Brother history,” she said about the multiverse twist this season.
“The people who are opening their mouths a little too much that’s what I don’t like,” said Reilly.
“Who are you thinking about? I can see it in your face,” asked Jared.
They agreed that person was Kirsten.
“If you have me in your corner I guarantee you have me, Cirie and Felicia in your corner too,” Jared suggested.
He then offered her what he believed was vital information.
“If this gets out, I know it came from you,” he began.
“Dude, you are fine,” said Reilly reassuring him.
“On Day One, Kirsten tried to start a five personal alliance: Me, Matt, Luke…” Jared recounted only for Reilly to cut him off and remind him that she was there too.
“Well, she went back and told Felicia we were involved with that,” said Jared.
“That was twenty minutes into the house,” sighed Reilly.
Blue, one of Reilly’s ride-or-dies, was next to share her thoughts.
“The bright spot is you didn’t put these people up,” she said.
“When I take two down I need a reason why I didn’t take down the other two people,” said Reilly nervousing.
“You will have one person gunning for you but two people who will have your back,” said Blue reminding Reilly of the positive outcome of her choices this week. “We are not here to make friends.”
“Now is the time to get serious and collaborating with people. I have done the math in my head a million times. Eight people is my goal,” she told Blue broaching the alliance strategy.
Blue and Reilly spoke about a women’s alliance. They agreed it is not gameplay or strategy they are interested in.
“I am confident in myself as a woman that I don’t need to prove it to America. I don’t care about an all-girls alliance. That isn’t my agenda this season,” said Reilly.
Blue concurred with that approach to the game. They both discussed Kirsten being a liability now and in the future.
Later, Cirie had her meeting. She and Reilly seemed to be on the same wavelength agreeing that they do want to work together as part of a larger alliance.
“I don’t know what you’ve heard but I played Survivor. The reason that I have not won Survivor is for those reasons right there…Every person that aligned with me or I was had the pleasure to align with them from the beginning, who maintained that integrity, honesty, transparency with me, won the game,” explained Cirie.
“If you aren’t worth your word in these first pivotal days, like you said, setting the tone, how are you going to go another 98 days when you just lie to this one and this one, lied to that one and lied to that one?” she continued.
“People will be shooting themselves in the foot because they dip their hands in too many cookie jars,” said Reilly.
“It’s going to implode on them because this is a long game. This is not get here and make all of these moves,” said Cirie.
“To get things done we need to be a team of people who work together, make sacrifices,” said Reilly suggesting an alliance.
“You’ve got that wholesome American Girl look and feel. It isn’t even about the look. It’s more about the energy that you get put off…I want to be a part of something like that,” answered Cirie.
“We’re on the same wavelength. We want to be loyal, protect each other, be there for each other and be numbers for each other,” stated Reilly as they hugged on their deal.
Reilly then broached the subject of Kirsten being the target this week.
“She came in there that last night and was telling us all this stuff…and me and Miss Felicia didn’t say anything but she’s just a loose cannon, a very, very loose cannon,” said Cirie.
“She’s shooting herself in the foot,” said Reilly.
Check back for all the latest Big Brother news and interviews.
Starting on August 6th Big Brother will air Sundays and Wednesdays (8:00-9:00 PM, ET/PT) and Thursdays (9:00-10:00 PM, live ET/delayed PT), featuring the live eviction show hosted by Julie Chen Moonves, on Global TV.
Live Feed Spoilers: New HoH’s power revealed as strategy talk ramps up