Live Feed Spoilers: HOH ready to change the game
Live Feed Spoilers: HOH ready to change the game

By: John Powell –
Almost sent home to sitting on the throne, the new Head of Household is poised to make a big move.
Canadian comedian Tom Green has become the new HoH after winning a competition early this morning. On the block against him, Tom saw his friend and alliance mate Kato unanimously voted out on last night’s live eviction show.
“If he could own up to trying to backdoor the Five, things would be different,” said a worried Lolo to Natalie in the bathroom on the live feeds.
Lolo warned they have to be very careful in how they deal with Tom.
Tom received more pictures, one of himself and his mom, with his HoH room. He also got a letter from singer and songwriter Elle King, a friend of his. She is also comedian Rob Schneider’s daughter.
The letter read:
“Dear, Tom. I hope this letter finds you well. What an insane journey you are on right now! You are doing great. We are all on the edge of our seats. Do it for America! Do it for Canada! California is warm and dreamy and we are all missing you so much. We are counting on you, buddy. You are a champion and I wish you the best. Your friend, Elle King.”
Tom thanked Ricky for coming up for the HoH reveal. He was sleeping at the time.
“It is ridiculously late,” sighed a grateful Tom.
Tom shared his food and wine with Natalie, Lolo and Dina who stayed around in the HoH room until the wee hours of the morning. They toasted Tom’s comeback.
Once everyone had left, Tom listened to his music and reread his letter before going to bed.
This Friday’s episode is a live double eviction episode.
This is the rest of the Celebrity Big Brother schedule on GlobalTV:
Thursday, Feb. 7 |
9:00-10:00 PM, ET/PT |
Friday, Feb. 8 |
8:00-10:00 PM, ET/PT |
(2-Hour Episode) |
Monday, Feb. 11 |
9:00-10:00 PM, ET/PT |
Wednesday, Feb. 13 |
8:00-10:00 PM, ET/PT |