Live Feed Spoilers: New HoH’s power revealed as strategy talk ramps up
Live Feed Spoilers: New HoH’s power revealed as strategy talk ramps up

By John Powell –
Reilly Smedley has received a belated birthday present in the Big Brother house.
Reilly, whose birthday was yesterday, won today’s competition to become the first Head of Household of this season and it appears that as HoH she will be able to save two of the nominees.
Currently, Cory, Jared, Felicia and Kirsten are up for eviction each having come last in yesterday’s multiverse competitions.
“Congratulations, Reilly!” said Luke as he passed her in the kitchen. Reilly thanked him and hugged him.
Reilly then left the kitchen and went to check on Blue who fell during the competition.
“It isn’t too bad. It is like a rug burn,” sighed Blue.
“We heard you fall,” said Reilly wincing.
“My foot got stuck in the beams so I fell and hit my elbow so it is just like a rug burn. It was padded so it wasn’t too bad,” replied Blue showing off her injury.
Reilly and others joked that Blue’s fall sounded like an earthquake.
While Reilly continued celebrating, Jared and Cirie and Izzy hunkered down in one of the bedrooms to chat strategy. Izzy knows that Jared and Cirie are mother and son. Jared is pretty sure that Reilly will save him because yesterday she told him she was looking forward to him teaching her to play basketball.
“When you get your chance plead your case to her. Let her know you will work with her down the line and you will never put her up if you win HoH,” advised Cirie.
Jared explained that Cory kind of ticked him off during the competition.
“How are you feeling about Cory?” Izzy asked.
“Cory is very smart,” he answered.
Izzy said she just isn’t “feeling” Cory at all.
“He is too smart for his own good. It makes him seem untrustworthy even if he isn’t,” said Jared.
Cirie agreed saying she wants Cory and Kirsten to stay on the block but reminded them both that the veto is still in play.
Check back for all the latest Big Brother news and interviews.
Starting on August 6th Big Brother will air Sundays and Wednesdays (8:00-9:00 PM, ET/PT) and Thursdays (9:00-10:00 PM, live ET/delayed PT), featuring the live eviction show hosted by Julie Chen Moonves, on Global TV.
Live Feed Spoilers: A target appears, Cirie talks Survivor with Cory and strategy with Jared