Live Feed Spoilers: Nominee lashes out at veto meeting
Live Feed Spoilers: Nominee lashes out at veto meeting

By John Powell –
Felicia isn’t going home quietly.
At the veto meeting today HoH Cameron did not use the Power of Veto leaving his nominations of Felicia and Mecole the same.
Although the feeds were down as they always are during the actual meeting, it appears that Felicia had a lot to say about Cory blaming him for her predicament.
“Mister Shots Fired, Cory Wurtenberger! I couldn’t stop laughing. I think it was just so funny for me because it was so unexpected. I thought she was going to say her piece about Cameron and then she said YOU. I was crying,” said Blue to Cory on the patio.
“It was kind of awkward…to everyone I deny all of the allegations. It wasn’t me. I don’t know what she is talking about. I didn’t do anything. I am innocent in all of it. Her pitch was for America to go to Cameron and nominate me?” said Cory shaking his head.
“That was crazy,” said Blue.
In the HoH room, America, Matt and Bowie were relieved that it looks like Felicia will be sent home and won’t be part of this year’s jury.
“I don’t want her in jury. I am so glad she is going to be gone,” said America.
“She would be a very bitter jury member,” Matt agreed.
“A thousand per cent,” said America.
In the kitchen, Felicia questioned Cameron and Jag about what she had just done.
“How badly do you guys think I just blew up my game?” asked Felicia.
“What game? It is blown,” joked Cameron.
“It is part of the game. You have to say what you need to say. I don’t know about blowing up your game but I don’t expect you to go hard against Mecole,” continued Cameron. “At least you got stuff off your chest.”
Earlier, Jag, Bowie and Matt spoke privately.
“People are talking about Cam going next week,” said Jag. “I feel like it is always an option with people.”
“I feel like if he stays here he is the number one target,” said Bowie.
“I think he feels good with us for now. For now, we keep him,” replied Jag.
Blue entered the room to touch base with everyone.
“It is not like anything is going to change. We will see what happens Thursday but it is not like we have to have a big discussion,” said Blue about voting out Felicia.
“It would be good to know where we are heading even though this one doesn’t matter,” said Bowie of this week’s vote.
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