Big Brother live feed spoilers: Noms and new twist revealed
Big Brother live feed spoilers: Noms and new twist revealed

By John Powell –
X: POW2112
We have out first nominations of the season and we also know the big changes BB AI is bringing to the game.
HoH Angela, the real estate agent from Utah, nominated three houseguests for eviction this week.
- Kenney, the former undercover cop from Boston.
Lisa, the private chef from California.
Kimo, the mattress sales rep from Hawaii.
In a new twist, Kenney, Lisa and Kimo will compete in an arena challenge and the winner of that will no longer be on the block. The other two will compete in the Power of Veto Competition as per the usual Big Brother game.
After the nominations today Angela met with Kimo and Cam. Cam tried to boost Kimo’s spirits by reminding him that his game is far from over. There was the arena challenge and the veto still in play.
“I am so sorry,” said Angela hugging Kimo and crying.
“I am just a softy,” said Kimo wiping the tears from his eyes and trying to smile.
“I am too,” replied Angela.

Angela sheds tears after the Nomination Ceremony. Courtesy: CBS.
Angela explained to Kimo she had to go and check on Kenney. She told Kimo she feels safe with him but not Kenney.
On the way out into the hallway Angela ran into Lisa who felt betrayed and backstabbed. They went into the Fantasy Forest bedroom to talk.
Angela claimed the producers didn’t give her enough time to talk it over with everyone, to set the stage for nominations.
“You are not my target. Kenney is 100%,” Angela assured Lisa.
“Pawns go home,” Lisa reminded Angela.
“I know it but I don’t think you will. I have talked to so many people. I’ve got you covered,” said Angela.
A few minutes later in the HoH room, Kenney expressed his disappointment with Angela. Kenney said he knew he was going on the block at the end of their last conversation.
“I could see it in your face that you had already made a decision,” said Kenney.
“Do you see how hard it was for me to do that?” asked Angela starting to tear up again.
Angela reassured Kenney he will beat the other nominees in the arena challenge.
“At least I am not up there with Cam and Matt,” laughed Kenney.
When Kenney left the HoH room Angela rolled her eyes.
T’kor and Kenney were the first up this morning. They chatted a bit in the kitchen.
T’kor wants to talk game but she feels it might be too early.
“You don’t want to push too hard,” advised Kenney. “I don’t want to push too hard until nominations happen. I think noms will be three people. We will see where the house really leans.”
“Just know that I am always down to talk game and strategy with you. I like you a lot,” said T’kor fumbling around for something in the fridge.
“Thank you,” answered Kenney.
“I feel similar to you when it comes to the house. You and I have very similar mannerisms too, like how we operate,” T’kor continued.
Later, it was Tucker and Cam’s turn to chat with Kenney in the kitchen about the possibility of a nine-person alliance forming.
“Nine is a good number right now,” said Kenney referring to an alliance of Angela, Joseph, Cam, Leah, Brookyn, Rubina, Chelsie, Quinn and Cedric.
Tucker floated the idea that Cedric is a “mole”.
“At this point we don’t know where everyone stands. If you ever watch the show you know things implode. They implode 75% of the time. I am just trying to mentally prepare myself if I go up,” said Kenney.
Kenney told them he said to Angela they had a chance to get rid of her but didn’t. He explained that she and him are in the same boat. They have a hard time getting into conversations with the younger people.
Lisa and Leah confirmed they are working together as they spoke in the fantasy forest bedroom.
They agreed they are on the same level and the same page.
“I want to see how people’s minds are working. I think you are the same way. I am very observant and wanted to see everything,” said Leah.

Angela and Kenney hash things out. Courtesy: CBS.
“That is what I am doing too,” replied Lisa saying that she and Leah have an unspoken bond already.
“I know you are a competitive player. We came to f—–g play this game. I didn’t come here to float around,” said Leah.
Joseph and Chelsie cornered HoH Angela in one of the downstairs bedrooms.
“Makensy compared you to a past winner of the show to us,” said Joseph.
Angela’s mouth fell wide open.
“She was like she knows the game and I love her,” Joseph continued.
Chelsie repeated the same.
“She said you could take anyone far in the game,” she said.
Joseph advised Angela that if she puts her up she can claim multiple people came to her said the same thing.
“It is all up to you. We aren’t going to make you do anything because you are going to have to deal with the blowback but just know that whatever you decide to do we’ve got your back,” said Joseph.
Angela revealed that Makensy is not part of the nine person alliance.
“We can get through another two votes and after that that group can do whatever,” said Angela.
Here is this week’s Big Brother schedule on Global:
Friday, July 19 (8:00-10pm):
A special encore of the two-night premiere will air back-to-back.
Sunday, July 21 (9:00-10:30pm):
A special 90-minute episode of Big Brother where there will be a big change to the nominations and evictions.
Stay tuned for more news, views, interviews and live feed spoilers all season long and watch the latest episodes here.