Live Feed Update: This week’s vote still up in the air
Live Feed Update: This week’s vote still up in the air

By John Powell –
The Big Brother house continues to flip flop between evicting Reilly or Cameron this week.
HoH Hisan nominated them both, won the Power of Veto and elected to leave his nominations the same.
Izzy spoke to Jag alone letting him on the surprising plan to keep Reilly.
“He wants people around to protect him and me and Cirie cannot do that,” she told him.
“For someone who is very careful with his words, he is irresponsible,” laughed Jag.
“I have talked to Cirie, Reilly and Matt. They are all ready to do this,” Izzy confirmed about blindsiding Hisam and keeping Reilly instead of Cameron. “We just have to act normal.”
They spoke about pulling America into the plan.
“America wants to keep Reilly,” said Jag.
“We just need to keep this hush-hush. If we tell Red he will tell Cameron and Cameron will tell Hisam. We cannot say anything to Red,” warned Izzy.
Jag then relayed the information to Blue in the Scaryverse Room.
“Our alliance with Hisam is done! He told Izzy, Cirie and Felicia. They know,” he said of Hisam making an alliance with them.
“What a snake!” whispered Blue.
“Reilly is staying this week and the alliance is this: Me, you, Cirie, Izzy and Reilly. We are the core but have people on the outside,” said Jag. “They want to get the vote to as unanimous as possible. They want to backdoor Hisam next week.”
Jag snickered as Blue held her hands in front of her mouth to stifle her laughter.
“The game is evolving,” he said.
While Jag was giving Blue the lowdown, Izzy and Cirie touched base.
“He tried to set himself up leaving us as fair game. He needs to go. He wants to form an alliance with Jag and Blue when Reilly is gone,” said Cirie.
They both agreed that saving Reilly would be the best move for them.
“If we don’t do this, we are sitting ducks for Hisam,” Cirie advised.
“She is going to want to protect us as Hisam is coming for her…She needs as many people as she can to fight off Hisam,” Cirie said of Reilly.
“I want to look into his eyes after that vote but let’s tell Bowie as late as possible,” said Izzy.
Discussing things with her son, Cirie told Jared that she worries about Izzy as she is so emotional. Cirie said she doesn’t care if it is Reilly or Cameron. She is good with either. The back and forth happening in the house is the way Big Brother is. On Big Brother, the players have days to decide the pros and cons but on Survivor they get six hours to decide who they are booting.
Izzy gave Reilly an update saying that a decision will be made tomorrow and that she still doesn’t like how Hisam is playing the game. Reilly claims that Cameron will just attach himself to whoever has the power and cannot be trusted at all.
Chatting with America just minutes later, Izzy says Reilly needs to leave.
“I want Jag, Blue and Matt gone. It has hit home with me today. Reilly has to go,” said Izzy confirming that Cirie wants the same thing she does.
Check back for all the latest Big Brother news and interviews.
Big Brother airs Sundays and Wednesdays (8:00-9:00 PM, ET/PT) and Thursdays (9:00-10:00 PM, live ET/delayed PT), featuring the live eviction show hosted by Julie Chen Moonves, on Global TV.