Big Brother Live Feed Update: Power of Veto betrayal, Makensy uses her Upgrade
Big Brother Live Feed Update: Power of Veto betrayal, Makensy uses her Upgrade

Cedric Hodges. Photo: CBS.
America will be picking the third nominee this week. Makensy used her Upgrade at the Power of Veto meeting today taking herself off the block.
Tucker used the Power of Veto to take Angela off the block thinking that HoH Cedric would nominate Quinn as they discussed previously.
Instead, Cedric blindsided Kenney, Tucker and Cam by nominating Makensy instead.
The betrayal sparked a war of words between Tucker and Cedric during a house meeting. Only the conclusion of the house meeting was shown on the live feeds.
“Why wouldn’t you want to take out the biggest threats?” Tucker said to Cedric. “You are one of the best players.”
“Quinn, congratulations. You won a power. You won the game. Everyone deserves to compete. We are all here for a reason whether you watched the game or you didn’t. Everyone has someone special inside them and that is why they are here to play,” said Makensy.
Makensy and Tucker spoke privately while Cedric floated around the house doing damage control with his allies. Tucker revealed to her that he, Kenney, Cam and Cedric all agreed to the plan to target Quinn. Cedric went back on his word.
“He didn’t tell me like a man. He didn’t grab me and say he was HoH and this was what he was doing and then I would have understood and saved myself,” said Tucker.
“I don’t get that,” replied Makensy shaking her head.
Makensy explained she wasn’t going to use her Upgrade and just compete in the AI Arena but Cedric told her that the majority of the house wanted her up on the block.

Makensy Manbeck. Photo: CBS.
“I was just trying to make this game start because it has been as boring as f—k. I just wanted to play and I always do better under pressure,” said Tucker.
“I thought the same. I am not floating through until I know what is what,” answered Makensy.
“He just lied to me worse than Quinn did,” said Tucker.
Tucker and Makensy agreed they are going after Cedric next week.
Last night, Kenney, Cedric, Tucker and Cam had a meeting in the HoH room.
“He (Quinn) can beat any of you in this game. It seems to be the smartest move. To get out a strong player over someone who sucks at this game. It will be a big move. He knows everything in this game. It will also break up Joseph and Quinn. I will take all the heat if I am still here,” said Tucker.
“It will be crazy to start but then it will all chill out,” Tucker told Cedric of the chaos their move would cause.
The alliance decided to call themselves The Ball Players.
This morning, Kenney and Tucker chatted on the patio as everyone was getting ready for the day.
“Shake it up!” laughed Kenney.
“Players gotta play!” laughed Tucker.
“It is going to make Quinn f—–g scramble,” Kenney predicted.
“Everyone is playing this game too passive,” said Tucker shaking his head.
Tucker then confronted Rubina on the patio about her spreading rumours about him and the Power of Veto.
“I told you I wasn’t going to do anything crazy and now you are telling everyone that I am,” said Tucker.
“What?” replied Rubina.
“I heard that yesterday you were telling everyone I am going to do something crazy,” continued Tucker.
“No! No, I wasn’t!” exclaimed Rubina.
“I was awake and you thought I was asleep and you told Brooklyn that,” said Tucker.
“That you are going to do something crazy? No, that was what everyone was saying you were originally going to do,” she said.
“Everyone is acting weird now,” sighed Tucker.
“Nobody is acting weird. Everyone thought you were going to use it on Kenney. OMG!” said Rubina hanging her head back.
“I am just going to save myself. That is what the gameplay is and you told people I was going to do something nuts. That is what I heard from three different people. That’s was I am asking,” said Tucker.
“When you first got the veto, I was scared that you weren’t going to use it on yourself,” Rubina explained.
“Then, I told you I was just excited,” said Tucker.
“Yesterday, I was just saying how you would NOT use it on yourself. You would not disrespect the game like that. That is exactly what I was saying,” Rubina confirmed.
“That is not what I heard from multiple people,” said Tucker.
“What did you say to Brooklyn? She rolled her eyes and looked at me when you guys thought I was sleeping?” he said.
“We were glad you were sleeping. I swear,” she answered.
“Maybe they just want you to hate me,” said Rubina about the others.
“I don’t hate you. I trust you a lot,” said Tucker.
“I trust you too,” said Rubina.
Rubina and Tucker hugged it out.
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