Quinn: Tucker perceived me as this absolute ‘gremlin ghoul’
Quinn: Tucker perceived me as this absolute ‘gremlin ghoul’

Quinn Martin. Photo: CBS.
His allies were voted out and then he was. Quinn Martin became the very first member of the Big Brother jury last night. His stay in the Big Brother house had its ups and down especially when it came to his rivalry with Tucker. Before he was shipped off the jury house Quinn spoke with us about his Big Brother journey.

Quinn Martin and Jerry O’Connell. Photo: Sonja Flemming/CBS.
John Powell: You feuded with Tucker for much of the season. What do you what do you think of him as a player at a person?
Quinn Martin: Tucker and I were feuding like so much, especially Week Three, literally the night before, he is like, trying to murder me in the game and is selling me out, saying that I’ve got the upgrade.
The night before I’m the biggest Tucker fan on the planet. Tucks is the coolest guy I know and then all of a sudden, in the game, he just perceived me as this absolute gremlin ghoul, like nefarious person. It’s like, you’re right! I think that was the source of the feud.
I think that the only season that I know definitively that he watched was Season 14 with Frank (Eudy) and Dan (Gheesling). I think that he viewed himself as a bit of a Frank, where he was going to be a comp beast and he was a very fearless player. I don’t think I’m anywhere near Dan but I think that he saw that Dan was this slimy character that you need to watch out for and he noticed that willingness from me is my thinking.
On a like personal level, what a phenomenal human being! I genuinely loved that guy! He is such a cool person and there were several times being in the house that were maybe annoyed me but what’s the guy to do when you live with each other 24/7? I know who he is as a person. He is someone who should be celebrated and I just plan on being friends with him outside of the house.
Obviously, in the game, my thoughts on him he used the phrase like ‘I’m changing the way this game is meant to be played.’ My response to that is people play this game poorly all the time and I think that he wasn’t a great player. I think that his strategy was really dumb and it’s like he was annoyed with me for playing the game. He was upset that I said yes to multiple alliances when he was in those alliances. Like, what is what? What are you mad at right now, dude? We’re part of the same power structures! Why not work together instead of calling me out? He had this perception that he needed to kick the game off. It was going too slow. Big Brother is a marathon not a sprint.
I just felt like it wasn’t the greatest approach. Call me crazy, to put your foot on the gas Week Three, save that energy for the later game and then take me out.
John Powell: Who do you hope follows you into the jury house and why?
Quinn Martin: I would love to see someone like Angela, Kimo or Mackenzie follow me into the jury house just because I don’t want to see the players that I’m rooting for get taken out. That’s not to say I’m not rooting for any of those three. I just think that in terms of the story being told of this season I would rather see other stories continue. If that makes sense. I think that Makensy’s decision to vote me out was built on just a misunderstanding.
Kimo, strategically, our approaches are so different that’s why I would be okay if he got sent home. It is what it is but at the same time I am rooting for him so I guess I’m a hypocrite in that thing. Angela, I think her days aren’t numbered but to see other people’s games get uplifted I would love to see her go home, if that makes sense.
We’re in this situation where I like everyone in the house and so even though people got under my skin, especially when I was on the block. I don’t necessarily want to see anyone follow me into the jury house. Maybe they’ll just bring me back into the house and we can just keep playing and then no one goes home? But, I guess if I had to choose people, it would be Makensy, Kimo and Angela.
John Powell: If you had stayed who would you have targeted and who would you have aligned with and why?
Quinn Martin: If I had stayed I was probably going to win the next HoH, because I’m cool like that, and I would have targeted Rubina and T’kor. I had given Chelsie my word that I would never put her up, as we know, my word means nothing in this game, and I would have probably targeted her probably with seven people left in the house but narratively it would have made sense for me to target Rubina and T’kor just because they were not a part of my like unnamed five, voting group. I would rather work with the majority in that situation then try to flip, weaken the side and then not be a priority for T’kor or Rubina. I needed them separated so then we could work together going into the future. That’s where I would have gone strategically. I’m probably putting up T’kor and Chelsie on the block since they have the greatest win equity and you need to see one of them go home. That’s probably where I was going strategically.
John Powell: During your HoHs your key allies ended up going home. Explain how that happened and why? What went wrong?
Quinn Martin: During my HoHs all the homies kept getting voted out. This sucks! I’m bad at the game, obviously, and I think that maybe my ego was talking. Maybe the other houseguests were like: Quinn might be in charge but if we have the opportunity to weaken his game, let’s capitalize on it.
Cedric did volunteer for the block so I don’t feel super terrible about like that was his decision. I was devastated to see someone who did grow up so close to me go home on my HoH and I was sad because I after hearing his speech, he was like a kid! He just came off so young in his speech and so it was heartbreaking. I was thinking about his mom. I was like: Man, I let his mom down. I should have exposed my game even further and just put Rubina up and then hoped that Tucker somehow didn’t win that veto? What am I supposed to do in that situation expose my game even further? I don’t know. Then, with the Joseph vote, that certainly sucked. That was miscalculation from me. I was trying to play the long game and I lost one of my loyal soldiers and that’s lame.
Big Brother airs on Global TV on Wednesdays and Thursdays at 8:00-9:00 PM, ET/PT and Sundays at 9:00-10:00 PM, ET/PT.
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