Survivor 42 Scoop – Week 10 Recap: Winners, Losers, Top Moments
Survivor 42 Scoop – Week 10 Recap: Winners, Losers, Top Moments
John Powell –
Words and knowledge are power not only in life but in the game of Survivor.
“Everything you say in this game to somebody means something about or to somebody. You have to be careful how you choose your words,” said Mike at Tribal Council.
Communication skills are crucial when you are on that island. For example, the communication between Mike, Omar and Drea ended Drea’s game.
Omar managed to secure Mike’s Immunity Idol by warning him of Drea’s Knowledge is Power advantage. Just like last year, possession of the idol was shifted and the power became useless when Mike gave it to Omar before tribal.
Drea claimed to be watching everyone like a hawk and even bragged about it to Jeff Probst.
“I observe and I see when numerous people go to the water well and their canteens are still empty. I observe. When they go for wood but there is no wood in their hands. I observe,” she said.
All that observation though did stop Drea from being sent to the Loser’s Lodge by a vote of 5 to 3. Drea played her extra vote and Romeo was, like he has been for four of the last five votes, completely out of the loop about who the target was.
Drea’s situation also raised the issue of how many powers and advantages during one season is far too many. This season there are so many in play that it can be argued that even without Drea’s advantage arsenal, the game is being guided and ushered along by those advantages. That they have become more important than strategy, social currency or winning challenges. You know things have reached their breaking point when most fans cannot remember who has what power and why. Remember the old days when you had to earn immunity instead of just finding it hanging from a tree right near camp? I do.
Gutsy Lindsay and rightfully paranoid Jonathan were the only players who elected to play immunity and suffer the Do or Die twist. The twist failed to claim a victim for the second season in a row when Lindsay picked the flame over the skull symbol giving her immunity and saving her game.
One wonders what would have happened if Jonathan was the only person willing to play? Did he automatically win immunity? Just like the Dreaded Purple Rock of Doom, I am not a fan of someone’s Survivor fate being determined by a shell game. It is unfair for them to go through all that effort, all that time on the island to have their journey ended by the luck of the draw.
I still remember you, Paschal. I remember.
Next week we will find out if Omar has indeed pulled a fast one on Mike or whether he gives the Immunity Idol back to him. What will the sly Omar do?
Stay tuned…
Moment # 5: Jonathan and Drea argue over a fishing net.
Moment # 4: A final five is made?
Moment # 3: Lindsay faces her Do or Die decision.
Moment # 2: Drea guesses wrong.
Moment # 1: Omar and Mike make the idol switch.
Next time on Survivor…
Drea Wheeler
Drea should feel proud about the way she has played. To get to the final seven with that many advantages is no small feat. That took a lot of patience on her part. The rules of the Amulet of Power – Its power increasing from an extra vote with three people, to a steal-a-vote with two people, to an Immunity Idol with only one person left – pretty much makes it certain that some backstabbing will occur especially with so few people left in the game. In accepting the power, she backed herself into a corner probably knowing how this would all play out, especially with Hai gone from the game.
Strategic Gameplay
Drea was hot and cold as a strategist. Her idea to start a women’s alliance crashed and burned at Ika. Swati ended up wanting to vote her out when Drea revealed she had an extra vote. She was a part of strong group efforts though to target and remove obstacles in the game.
Rating: 3 / 5
Social Gameplay
Drea established many strong relationships across her ever-changing Survivor journey. Her problem was she trusted in the wrong people like Swati, Mike and Rocksroy. She needed to pick her allies better and not reveal so much to curry favour with them. Her interpersonal relationships were strong. Her strategy in utilizing those relationships wasn’t.
Rating: 3.5 / 5
Entertainment Value
Drea didn’t come to play Survivor and allow other people to steer her game. When she had to she stepped to the forefront and then faded back when she had to. She was an engaging personality and an active and assertive player. Here is hoping she gets the chance to play again…but perhaps without the zillion advantages.
Rating: 3.5 / 5
Final Rating: 10 / 15
Who played it cool and who proved themselves to be a fool? Every week John Powell makes his picks for the worst and best players of the week.
Jonathan’s stock is going down, way down…even with his own allies.
Romeo is yet again out of the loop at Tribal Council and is being seen as lazy and useless at camp.
Drea should have picked better allies.
Lindsay not only went up against Jonathan and did well, she was part of the movement against Drea to secure more power and beat the odds at Tribal Council.
Mike used his influence to remove another one of his targets.
Omar was the puppet master for yet another week playing an incredible social and strategic game. When the smoke cleared he had Mike’s idol in his pocket too.