Survivor 44 Scoop – Week 2 Recap: Winners, Losers, Top Moments
Survivor 44 Scoop – Week 2 Recap: Winners, Losers, Top Moments

Tribes Ratu, Soka, and Tıka compete. Photo: Robert Voets/CBS.
John Powell –
I totally get Yam Yam and Carolyn. Outsiders need to stick together. I have always gravitated to the geeks, the nerds, those who march to the beat of their own drummers and are purposely out of step with the masses.
The social aspect of Survivor is a powerful one that often is the difference between winning and losing. It was good to see Yam Yam and Carolyn coming together quickly as with three tribes this season it will be very tough to hide or go under the radar. And, let’s face it, there is no way Carolyn could ever do that successfully. She just doesn’t have that kind of temperament or personality. Her far-out disposition and tumultuous, wild, boisterous nature has her coming off as a loose cannon. She may not be long for the game but at least her alliance with Yam Yam will give her some time to perhaps adapt her personality and rein herself in if she wants to go far in the game.

Helen Li, Carson Garrett and Yamil “Yam Yam” Arocho. Photo: Robert Voets/CBS.
One thing is certain as we begin to learn about the tribal dynamics at each camp is that literally rocket scientist…okay…NASA engineering student…Carson picked a side. By doing so does that mean that Sara, the management consultant, is now automatically on the outs, the next to be sacrificed to the Survivor gods if Tika returns to tribal council? One also wonders what the tribal dynamics would have been if Bruce wasn’t removed from the game?
An interesting thing to note about the bird cage twists. The official note to Carolyn explained that her hidden immunity idol is the coin on a chain and the beaded necklace or bracelet is just a beaded necklace or bracelet while Danny’s beaded necklace or bracelet is an idol and the coin on a chain is just a coin on a chain. One wonders if this difference, this discrepancy will cause some chaos and confusion later on. We all hope so. The bird cage twist was successful in that it did stir up a lot of intrigue and a lot of speculation. Both Carolyn and Danny have not told anyone yet about the power they now wield and that is probably a good decision. With the tribes as small as they are, the power of any advantage is accentuated and therefore is at the forefront of anyone’s thoughts or strategy. In short, it can make you a massive threat.

Josh Wilder, Matt Blankinship, Danny Massa, Heidi Lagares-Greenblatt, Frannie Marin and Claire Rafson. Photo: Robert Voets/CBS.
Because of his vote against Brandon last episode, our Canadian Kane found himself in Lucy Ricardo’s position when Ricky came home. He had lots of explaining to do back at camp. Brandon was clearly bothered by Kane’s vote, although he wasn’t letting everyone notice how badly it ticked him off. Kane was running scared. His excuse was he was in “survival mode” at the time and only voted for who everyone had agreed to the last time anyone spoke to him. With Maddy out of the game you would think Kane would have weaved some elaborate lie to point the finger at her and to clear his name instead of just saying he was left out of the final decision as that makes him look clueless, out of the loop and seen as inconsequential at Ratu. Will Kane, the attorney, wiggle his way out of this jam on a technicality? Stay tuned, folks.
Moment # 5: Carolyn’s ‘poop tooth’ story.
Moment # 4: Yam Yam and Carolyn team up.
Moment # 3: Carolyn meets a real snake.
Moment # 2: Danny unlocks his bird cage.
Moment # 1: Carolyn unlocks her bird cage.
Next time on Survivor…
Helen Li
It is curious that this season’s first two boots share a similar fate in that they made themselves a threat in their small tribe. Helen’s game could have benefited from her taking her hands off the wheel and letting someone else drive the bus at camp. Before making any bold moves she should have come to understand the tribal politics much better.
Strategic Gameplay
Helen’s decision to move against Carolyn was a good one but perhaps she should have let someone else make that push instead of herself.
Rating: 2.5 / 5
Social Gameplay
She didn’t appear to make any grand social missteps although people were easily swayed against her so you have to wonder how good her social game was.
Rating: 2.5 / 5
Entertainment Value
We really didn’t see enough of Helen to learn what type of player or personality she would be in the game of Survivor. I suspect Helen had more potential than we saw.
Rating: 2.5 / 5
Final Rating: 7.5 / 15
Who played it cool and who proved themselves to be a fool? Every week John Powell makes his picks for the worst and best players of the week.
The showmance’s inability to hide their alliance, relationship is already putting them on the radar of those at Soka.
Kane made a big blunder. Will he be able to turn things around?
She didn’t need to drive that bus.
Carson tipped the balance in favour of Yam Yam and Carolyn. He is now safe in the majority alliance.
Carolyn not only unlocked the idol but she too is now part of the majority alliance.
Yam Yam changed the course of the tribe by building an alliance around Carolyn.
Survivor 44 Scoop – Week 2 Recap: Winners, Losers, Top Moments