Survivor 44 Scoop – Week 4 Recap: Winners, Losers, Top Moments
Survivor 44 Scoop – Week 4 Recap: Winners, Losers, Top Moments

Carolyn Wiger. Photo: Robert Voets/CBS.
John Powell –
Almost without fail I have found that not judging a book by its cover is great life advice. People, big or small, short or tall, will often surprise you. Case in point, Carolyn Wiger, the drug counselor from Minnesota. Since episode one she has been a one-of-a-kind comic relief with her wild expressions and her off-kilter behavior. Some are entertained and amused by her. Others find her a tad irritating.
“They don’t do a good job of making me feel that I am in with them. Why would I have any loyalty to them? I didn’t come out here to be told what every plan was. That is not going to get me anywhere. I am trying to weigh this out. Do I let Josh play his idol for me and then Josh goes home or do I tell Josh to play that idol on himself and you and I vote Sarah and she is gone. I am battling in my head. Be logical. Don’t be emotional. You don’t need to be in control right now! versus No! Stand up and do something for yourself!” she said laying out her thoughts before heading to tonight’s tribal council.
And with that, the jolly court jester became the cold-blooded executioner making one of the biggest moves in the game this season by cutting Sarah from the Tika tribe.
Yes, like Optimus Prime and his Autobots, there is far more to Carolyn than meets the eye. What we may be witnessing folks is one of the most interesting Survivor journeys in the history of the series.
This shouldn’t surprise anyone who is aware of Carolyn’s background. She is the daughter of Minnesota Senator Chuck Wiger, who is also an attorney. His record is impressive. Wiger became a Senator in 1996 and has been reelected in every subsequent election. In 2021 though he announced he wouldn’t be seeking reelection after 50 years in public office. If Carolyn is anything like her father you can be rest assured she is in for the long haul this season.
What we also saw tonight is a different kind of tribe swap. As a result of winning reward the Soka tribe sent one person from each tribe off on a journey. They picked Josh, Carson and Jaime. Those three were each given an immunity idol and were sent to new tribes. Josh went to Tika. Jaime went to Soka. Carson went to Ratu. I understand the reason for giving them immunity as with the swap they each could be easy targets at their new tribes but sorry, I am not a fan of just giving away immunity and not making players earn it in some fashion. What it does though is make you totally appreciate those who made it to the final tribal council and even won the game without such crutches back in the earlier seasons.
From next week’s preview is looking like Matthew’s injured shoulder will finally force him to leave the show. If that happens, this season will lose not only one of its strongest competitors but one of its most lively personalities.
Stay tuned, folks.
Moment # 5: Danny searches Jaime’s bag.
Moment # 4: Carolyn executes her idol scheme.
Moment # 3: The trio discovers they are swapping tribes.
Moment # 2: Yam Yam and Carolyn spar at tribal.
Moment # 1: Josh and Carolyn hatch their plan.
Next time on Survivor…
Sarah Wade
Sarah had one of the most powerful advantages in Survivor history with the Inheritance Advantage but the producers’ fondness for twists took that advantage right out of the game. Doh! I guess that’s what happens when you flood the game with idols and advantages. Sarah had the capacity to be a real fighter though.
Strategic Gameplay
Sarah was playing from the bottom the entire time. She really had no influence at Tika.
Rating: 1 / 5
Social Gameplay
She never really made any in-roads, except with Yam Yam it seems.
Rating: 1 / 5
Entertainment Value
Sarah had a lot of fire but never really got the chance to light up the game.
Rating: 1 / 5
Final Rating: 3 / 15
Who played it cool and who proved themselves to be a fool? Every week John Powell makes his picks for the worst and best players of the week.
Jaime is far too trusting of her new tribe. They could be setting her up for a big fall.
Yam Yam should have managed Carolyn’s loyalty better.
She also should have pulled Carolyn in, made her feel to be an important part of the tribe and alliance.
Matthew working Carson right away could tilt things in his favour but that is if he sticks around.
Josh knew he was in danger and worked the tribe to his advantage.
Her ‘X’ strategy worked and she made a great move at tribal council taking back control of the game.