Survivor 44 Scoop – Week 5 Recap: Winners, Losers, Top Moments
Survivor 44 Scoop – Week 5 Recap: Winners, Losers, Top Moments

Carson Garrett, Brandon Cottom, and Kane Fritzler. Photo: Robert Voets/CBS.
John Powell –
We are the choices we make. Matthew Grinstead-Mayle, the barbershop owner from Ohio, made a very, very bad decision early on in his Survivor journey and it has unfortunately cost him the game. Full of excitement and energy, Matt couldn’t resist climbing up that rock face. His subsequent fall dislocated his shoulder placing him in a world of hurt for the rest of his time on the island. He made the right decision in the end though. You cannot put a price on your well-being or your health.
“I came out here for the journey and in a lot of ways I achieved a lot of goals. Was the journey a little bit short? Absolutely but I feel as if I am leaving the game a much stronger person. I know I have the skills to get wherever I want to go. The only regret I have is I shouldn’t have climbed that rock,” said Matt in his goodbye.

Matt Grinstead-Mayle. Photo: Robert Voets/CBS.
One has to wonder though if Matt was in agony for so long why wasn’t he pulled earlier? I prefer Australian: Survivor’s way of dealing with injures though. Allowing the person to leave, be assessed and if they can be patched up quickly, send them back into the game.
Matt’s misfortune became Tika’s gain though as their date with Jeff Probst was canceled due to his departure. Carolyn, Josh and Yam Yam not only get to fight another day but they have all made the merger as we saw in the promo for next week’s show.
The question going forward is what the lay of the land might be once everyone is on the same tribe playing the game together? I think we can expect the original Tika (Carolyn, Yam Yam and Carson) to drift back together to fend off the other tribes. I wouldn’t be surprised if they create a super alliance using Josh as the bridge with Soka so the two tribes can join forces to get rid of all the Ratu players one-by-one as ‘easy outs’. If so, that would mean the clock is not only ticking on our sole Canuck Kane but it is probably Brandon, the challenge threat, who is targeted first.
It would also make sense if Carolyn’s experience during the journey with Danny and Brandon plays into Ratu being zeroed in on as I can see her sharing that pre-merge plan with others at the merger as it would really set-up her game.
Stay tuned, folks.
Moment # 5: Brandon and Danny connect during their journey/reward.
Moment # 4: Josh and Yam Yam share their ‘coming out’ stories.
Moment # 3: Josh’s fake immunity idol crumbles.
Moment # 2: Matt is reassessed by Survivor medical.
Moment # 1: Probst breaks the news to Tika about Matt.
Next time on Survivor…
Matthew Grinstead-Mayle
He certainly hung on as long as he could but Matt was right in choosing his health over Survivor as many castaways have done before him. He was right. There is no way he could properly heal in that physical and stressful environment. It is unfortunate that one lapse in judgment ended Matt’s journey but he wasn’t the first and he won’t be the last in that regard.
Strategic Gameplay
Matt was so strong right out of the gate when it came to the challenges, strategy and his social game. He had the tribe questioning Lauren’s report on what happened during the summit. He also found the real idol and planted a fake. He was proving himself to be a real strategic threat.
Rating: 3 / 5
Social Gameplay
One of the best game this season. He had an amazing ability to draw people in and connect with them.
Rating: 4 / 5
Entertainment Value
Matt had all the makings of not only a really well-rounded player but a possible contender for the title of Sole Survivor. His departure is a massive loss for this season.
Rating: 4 / 5
Final Rating: 11 / 15
Who played it cool and who proved themselves to be a fool? Every week John Powell makes his picks for the worst and best players of the week.
Josh’s fake idol probably would have been the end of his game and still might be if word leaks that he doesn’t have any protection or advantages in the game.
Brandon already knows what it is like to be targeted as a physical player. It makes no sense not to include Carolyn in on the conversation.
Why in the world with the unpredictable Carolyn looking on would Danny make that deal with Brandon? It wouldn’t be a surprise if that mistake proves to be the endgame for both Danny and Brandon.
Carson worked his social relationships at Ratu really well.
Although his idol play was a farce he still had Yam Yam questioning who he should align with.
Yam Yam went from the outhouse to the penthouse becoming the swing vote due to all his hard work.