Survivor 45 Scoop – Week 3 Recap: Winners, Losers, Top Moments
Survivor 45 Scoop – Week 3 Recap: Winners, Losers, Top Moments

Bruce Perreault, Katurah Topps, Jake O’Kane and Kendra McQuarrie. Photo: Robert Voets/CBS.
John Powell –
How do you know that your Survivor tribe has hit rock bottom? The producers decide to merge your tribe with the others because if they don’t your entire tribe will most assuredly be wiped off the face of the planet, I mean, island.
Because of Lulu’s inability to win a single Immunity Challenge now they, Reba and Belo must swap their members next episode. So, essentially the Reba and Belo players are possibly being punished for Lulu’s incredible suckatude.
Some fans consider that to be unfair and long for the days in which tribes like Ulong were permitted to be whittled down to a tribe of one, one of my favourite players of all time: Stephenie LaGrossa.

Host Jeff Probst. Photo: Robert Voets/CBS.
It may be for the best that Lulu is merging because Sean and Sabiyah’s strategy of voting out Kaleb might have been one of the worst schemes in Survivor history. At just seven days into the game why would you even consider voting out one of your best challenge competitors when you haven’t won immunity and lost two tribemates already?
It makes no sense at all to vote out a “challenge threat” when that person is loyal to you and could save your tribe from facing Jeff Probst at Tribal Council yet again. That’s the kind of move you make when there is a handful of players left not this early in the game. If Sabiyah has just targeted Emily instead of Kaleb the odds are she would have survived that tribal and still be in the game, had an idol in her pocket. It is definitely one of the biggest strategic mistakes in Survivor history.

Nicholas “Sifu” Alsup, Drew Basile and Austin Li Coon. Photo: Robert Voets/CBS.
Unlike Sabiyah, Kaleb the Canadian was putting those “little grey cells” to use, as the great Hercule Poirot was fond of saying. Not only did his goodwill towards Emily pay off greatly but he worked the tribal raid very well and to his advantage, especially forging that relationship with Drew.
Will that olive branch also payoff for Kaleb? Stay tuned, folks.
Moment # 5: Jake suffers a worrying seizure.
Moment # 4: A crazy idol hunt at Reba.
Moment # 3: Kaleb has a surprise for Drew.
Moment # 2: Emily warns Kaleb.
Moment # 1: Sabiyah roasts her wax idol at tribal.
Sabiyah Broderick
She made two fatal mistakes in a game in which one is usually enough to send you home. She should have never set her sights on voting out one of her most loyal allies.
Strategic Gameplay
Sabiyah was doing fine until she suggested targeting Kaleb instead of Emily. That choice cost her the game.
Rating: 2 / 5
Social Gameplay

Austin Li Coon and Sabiyah Broderick. Photo: Robert Voets/CBS.
Everyone at Lulu has a strong connection to her, even her former enemy Emily.
Rating: 3 / 5
Entertainment Value
Sabiyah is one of those surprise boots. She really did seem to be a player who would go far and go deep into the game.
Rating: 3 / 5
Final Rating: 8 / 15
Who played it cool and who proved themselves to be a fool? Every week John Powell makes his picks for the worst and best players of the week.
For some reason that isn’t too clear Sifu is on the outskirts of Reba. Drew had no issue using him as a scapegoat and he wasn’t in on the idol hunt this week. That’s really odd.
Sean betrayed Kaleb with his vote. Will be suffer any blow-back or will the swap save him?
She exercised some very poor judgment.
For all intents and purposes everyone fears her at Reba. They don’t want to upset her. They don’t want to get on her bad side. She has a lot of sway there.
She blew the game apart by staying loyal to Kaleb.
Kaleb benefited from his one-on-ones at Reba, made a connection with Drew and his relationship with Emily really, really worked to his advantage.