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Survivor 45 Scoop – Week 7 Recap: Winners, Losers, Top Moments

Survivor 45 Scoop – Week 7 Recap: Winners, Losers, Top Moments

Survivor 45 Scoop – Week 7 Recap: Winners, Losers, Top Moments

Jeff Probst, Katurah Topps, and Nicholas “Sifu” Alsup. Photo: Robert Voets/CBS.


John Powell – GlobalTV.com

Last week our show began with the castaways picking rocks and one week later here they are snatching stones again. Just like last week the picks have drastic implications for all of the players as alliances get fed into the Survivor blender.

When the blade stops rotating who are we left with competing for individual immunity?

Sifu, Kellie, Bruce, Emily, Kendra and Drew in Group A and Julie, Austin, Kaleb, Dee, Katurah and Jake in Group B.

That means Group A is ruled by the Belo Alliance (Bruce, Kellie and Kendra) and Group B has three in the Reba Alliance in Julie, Dee, Austin, Jake and Katurah (Belo) and Kaleb (Lulu).

It is no wonder with that breakdown that Sifu and Kaleb were fed to the sharks based on the dynamic in those two groups.

Jeff Probst. Photo: Robert Voets/CBS.

After last week’s unanimous vote it was crystal clear that Canadian Kaleb wasn’t long for this season of Survivor. Everyone saw him as a clear and present danger with his strong social and strategic game. At a phase of the game in which easy outs are welcomed by players who are finding their footing with the new tribal dynamics, Kaleb was done like dinner.

Speaking of footing, Sifu never really found his in the game. At Reba he was always one step away from the chopping block and at the merge he was still just drifting aimlessly it seemed.

As far as the merged tribal dynamics go the war between Reba and Belo will continue on with Julie, Drew, Dee, Austin and Emily against Bruce, Jake, Katurah, Kellie and Kendra. This next tribal council could be the most critical in the game thus far. Stay tuned, folks.




Moment # 5: Kellie works to keep Bruce.




Moment # 4: Bruce and Kaleb bury the hatchet?




Moment # 3: Two immunity winners instead of one.




Moment # 2: Jake hatches his plan.




Moment # 1: Another twist mixes the tribe up.

Kaleb Gebrewold and Nicholas “Sifu” Alsup

Kaleb Gebrewold. Photo: Robert Voets/CBS.

Sifu never achieved any kind of balance in the game. He was always on thin ice. Kaleb was the complete opposite. He burned too bright too fast.

Strategic Gameplay

Sifu never emerged as a leader or a mastermind. Kaleb was slippery and clever building relationships and then shifting those into strategic bonds as he did with Emily, Katurah and others.

Sifu Rating: 1 / 5
Kaleb Rating: 3.5 / 5

Social Gameplay

Nicholas “Sifu” Alsup. Photo: Robert Voets/CBS.

Sifu looked like the joker of the group but his social stature never grew beyond that. Kaleb worked his magic through his very strong social game.

Sifu Rating: 2 / 5
Kaleb Rating: 4 / 5

Entertainment Value

Kaleb Gebrewold. Photo: Robert Voets/CBS.

Sifu wasn’t given a lot of airtime and much of that was him goofing around. Kaleb was one of the most interesting and intriguing journeys this season.

Sifu Rating: 1 / 5
Kaleb Rating: 4 / 5

Sifu Final Rating: 4 / 15
Kaleb Final Rating: 11.5 / 15

Who played it cool and who proved themselves to be a fool? Every week John Powell makes his picks for the worst and best players of the week.

Just when you think it couldn’t Bruce’s stock in the game spiraled even further down the drain.

His scheme blew up in his face. He has lots of explaining to do.

Kaleb: He was a dead man walking based on the last tribal. Perhaps if he had cooled his jets and fell into the background he wouldn’t have been such a target. Sifu: The Fijian palm trees, sand crabs and shrimp had more game than him.

Katurah moved and grooved this week proving she is very adaptable and can change up her game at a moment’s notice.

She kept everyone on the same page and focused on Kaleb.

She fought hard to keep her allies safe and torpedoed Sifu’s game.

Survivor 45 Fantasy Tribe Pool