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Survivor 48 Fantasy Tribe

Survivor 48 Fantasy Tribe

Survivor 48 Fantasy Tribe


RETURNING PLAYERS:  Jump to the results section below to see how many points your picks racked up for the week.

How to Play

STEP 1:  Pick TWO castaways from each tribe that you think will make it to the end of the game to be in your own ‘Fantasy Tribe’. Here’s a breakdown of the three tribes (Lagi, Vula, and Civa):

Tip: Check out the Season 48 cast bios to help with your decision.

Lagi (Purple) Vula (Green) Civa (Orange)
Bianca Cedrek Charity
Eva Justin Chrissy
Joe Kevin David
Shauhin Mary Kamilla
Star Saiounia “Sai” Kyle
Thomas Stephanie Mitch


STEP 2: You should have SIX picks in total (2 picks/tribe x 3). Out of your six picks, choose ONE of them to be your MVP who you think will be the sole-survivor and win the game. You’ll get extra bonus points at the end of the season if you guessed right!

STEP 3:  Designate a ‘Tribe Commissioner‘ amongst your friends and/or family that you’ll be competing against to keep track of points using the Survivor 48 Fantasy Tribe Game Card.

STEP 4: Bookmark this page and check the results section below every Thursday evening after 6pm throughout the season to see how many points your picks racked up for the week based on the points scoring system. Points begin to accumulate starting with episode 2 airing on Wednesday, March 5.

*MERGE BONUS!*After the tribes merge, you can pick ONE extra castaway to be in your ‘Fantasy Tribe’. So if you lost some players before the merge this is an opportunity to bolster your ‘Fantasy Tribe’ with another player. Points for this extra pick are not retroactive and will begin to accumulate on the following episode after the merge.

NOTE: You can not have more than six castaways in your ‘Fantasy Tribe’ at anytime. However, if you’re lucky and still have all six of your picks after the merge you have the option to swap out one of your weaker picks for a stronger player. If you choose to do so, the swap will not take affect until the episode following the merge. You still get to keep all the points you’ve accumulated from the player you swapped out.

Survivor Fantasy Tribe Scoring System

  • Score 1 point per castaway for each week they survive prior to the merge
  • Score 3 points per castaway for each week they survive post-merge
  • Score 10 bonus points if any of your picks comes in 3rd place
  • Score 20 bonus points if any of your picks comes in 2nd place
  • Score 30 bonus points if any of your picks wins the game
  • Score 30 bonus points if your MVP wins the game



Additional Weekly Points Categories

Earn additional weekly bonus points if any of your ‘Fantasy Tribe’ castaways do any of the following visibly on screen:
(Limited to one line per castaway per week. For example, if your castaway cries multiple times in an episode, that’s still 5 points for that week but if two of your castaways cry, that’s 10 points! Excludes recaps of past episodes and “next time on” sneak previews.)




  • Wins a group Immunity Challenge
  • Wins a group Reward Challenge
  • Gets chosen to go on reward
  • Finds or gets a game advantage
  • Plays a hidden immunity idol on themselves at Tribal Council
  • Uses a game advantage at Tribal Council
  • Visually cries with tears on camera
  • Says a curse word that is bleeped/censored
  • Says, “I miss…”
  • Kisses another player still in the game
  • Gets into a heated argument and shouts at another player
  • Has a wardrobe malfunction/shows nudity that is blurred on screen
  • Chooses to risk their vote
  • Finds a fake immunity idol
  • Hugs Jeff
  • Is chosen to go on a journey




  • Wins an individual Reward Challenge
  • Finds a hidden immunity idol
  • Voted out while in possession of a hidden immunity idol or game advantage
  • Plays their ‘Shot in the Dark’
  • Torch gets snuffed as a result of a blindside
  • Gets treated for a medical emergency
  • Chooses to forfeit the game
  • Catches seafood or wildlife
  • Tampers with or steals the tribe’s food
  • Plays a fake immunity idol at Tribal Council
  • Searches through someone else’s bag
  • Voted out unanimously
  • A hidden immunity idol is played on them by another player




  • Wins an individual Immunity Challenge
  • Draws a SAFE scroll as a result of playing their ‘Shot in the Dark’
  • Wins a fire-making challenge
  • Gives an immunity idol/necklace away or plays it for another player
  • Creates a fake immunity idol
  • Successfully gets another player to play their fake idol at Tribal Council
  • Is forced to leave the game by no choice of their own (asides from being voted off)



Check back here every Thursday evening (beginning on March 6) to see how many points your picks racked up for the week. Remember, points begin to accumulate starting with episode 2.

Tip: Use the Survivor 48 Fantasy Tribe Game Card to tally your points.


Bianca total points: 11, Cedrek total points: 6, Charity total points: 11, Chrissy total points: 11, David total points: 11, Eva total points: 11, Joe total points: 11, Justin total points: 1, Kamilla total points: 16, Kevin total points: 10, Kyle total points: 26, Mary total points: 16, Mitch total points: 21, Sai total points: 11, Shauhin total points: 11, Star total points: 16, Thomas total points: 21

For entertainment purposes only.