Survivor: David vs. Goliath Scoop – Week 1 Recap: Winners, Losers, Top Moments
Survivor: David vs. Goliath Scoop – Week 1 Recap: Winners, Losers, Top Moments
John Powell –
Michael Skupin from Survivor: The Australian Outback, severe burns. Bruce Kanegai from Survivor: Panama, stomach pain. Jonathan Penner and James Clement (Survivor: Micronesia) and Joe Dowdle (Survivor: Tocantins), infections. Mike Borassi and Russell Swan, evacuated from Survivor: Samoa. Kourtney Moon and Colton Cumbie, evacuated from Survivor: One World. Shamar Thomas and Erik Reichenbach pulled from Survivor: Caramoan, due to an eye injury and exhaustion. Survivor: Kaoh Rong’s Caleb Reynolds, Neal Gottlieb and Joe del Campo all left the game.
Having to leave the Survivor game due to injury or illness is just heart-breaking. Abandoning your dream, all that time and effort into preparing to head out to the island and then all of your work there, is an absolute nightmare when one considers the majority of evacuated Survivors haven’t gotten a chance to play again, return to the series. That helicopter ride was truly their final Survivor goodbye.
It is shocking and a shame to see Survivor: David vs. Goliath begin with another tragic accident and evacuation. Pat Cusack, a maintenance manager from New York, never even got the chance to attend a single Tribal Council as part of the David Tribe. Injured while at sea arriving back from an Immunity Challenge on Day Three, Pat had to be airlifted to hospital after suffering a severe back injury. In tatters, the dazed David Tribe was given a reprieve from Tribal Council, which was the only fair thing, really.
Although he made the fatal mistake of being bossy right from the get-go, Pat had won some people over at the David Tribe so it isn’t clear whether he, Nick or perhaps Lyrsa would end up on the chopping block. Nevertheless, losing such a workhorse, strong competitor as Pat is a major blow to the David Tribe. Will his departure fire the tribe up for an Immunity Challenge win in Episode Two? Stay tuned, folks.
Survivor Scoop – Week 1: Top Moments
This week’s Top Survivor: David vs. Goliath Moments are…
Moment # 5: An Idol is found at the Goliath camp
Moment # 4: Octopus for dinner
Moment # 3: Nick shares his mother’s tragic story
Moment # 2: Jessica and Bi bond over their abuse stories
Moment # 1: An injured Pat leaves the game
Week 1: Game Departure – Pat Cusack
I had to change the title because the designation of “Game Fail” is unfair to apply to Pat’s Survivor journey. He didn’t fail. Fate tossed him a curveball and forced him to leave. As with everyone who has ever had to leave the game due to injury or health issues, their well-being is far more important than any game or reality television show. Pat is assigned ratings below but in light of the fact that he really didn’t even get to play, they really don’t count for all that much, to be honest.
Strategic Gameplay
We didn’t see Pat making any strategic plays or decisions but he did put his heart into challenges and needing someone like that during the first phase of the game might have worked well in his favour.
Rating: 2 / 5
Social Gameplay
This is where we saw Pat stumble a bit with his honesty and directness rubbing some on the David Tribe the wrong way but during his evacuation many stated their first impressions were wrong and Pat was a stand-up, decent guy. Would he have been able to move past the first impressions he gave his tribe? Fate made sure we will never get the answer to that question.
Rating: 2 / 5
Entertainment Value
Pat was a big, bold character who came charging right out of the gate. It is unfortunate that we won’t get to see how his time on the series would have developed. He could have been another beloved Rupert or another bossy David Samson. Sadly, we will never know which.
Rating: 3 / 5
Final Castaway Rating: 7 / 15
Week 1: Powell’s Picks
Who played it cool and who proved themselves to be a fool? Every week John Powell makes his picks for the worst and best players of the week.
Bronze Amateur: Nick Wilson
Many on his tribe don’t trust him already. Perhaps him opening up to them will smooth over some of that suspicion.
Silver Amateur: Mike White
Constantly searching for the Hidden Immunity Idol has him in hot water…and the game just started.
Gold Amateur: Natalie Cole
Her authoritarian mentality and aloofness are not paying dividends.
Bronze MVP: Alison Raybould
Alison is proving to be a driving force at the Goliath’s camp.
Silver MVP: Dan Rengering
He’s got the Hidden Immunity Idol and he has a core alliance already.
Gold MVP: Christian Hubicki
Sure, he failed to win Immunity for his team but that was hardly his fault. The David Tribe was already behind when they got to the puzzle. He has already demonstrated that he is a challenge asset and he too is forming alliances.
Who is your early favourite? Let us know in the comments below.
Watch Survivor: David Vs Goliath Wednesdays at 8 et/pt on Global.