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Survivor: David vs. Goliath Scoop – Week 5 Recap: Winners, Losers, Top Moments

Survivor: David vs. Goliath Scoop – Week 5 Recap: Winners, Losers, Top Moments

Survivor: David vs. Goliath Scoop – Week 5 Recap: Winners, Losers, Top Moments


John Powell – GobalTV.com

It never ceases to amaze me how such little things become such big things on Survivor.

B.B. Andersen washed his clothes in the tribe’s fresh water and the Pagong Tribe fed him to the sharks.

Talking about lip gloss got Rita Verreos voted off Survivor: Fiji.

Her statement about wanting to eat real food after her time on the series was over was misinterpreted so Stephannie Favor was booted off the Rarotonga Tribe during Survivor: Cook Islands.

Kel Gleason was voted off Survivor: The Australian Outback after being accused of smuggling beef jerky onto the show.

The list goes on.

For Natalie Cole it was the fact that give or take a few, you can buy approximately 8,333 decent jackets for a million dollars. While it may not be as simple as that due to her track record at camp, threatening Nick Wilson over a jacket was the final straw for Nick, Lyrsa Torres and Mike White needed to send Natalie Cole packing in her Pink Cadillac.

Oops. Sorry, wrong Natalie Cole.

Natalie’s overbearing attitude since the start of the game had ticked everyone off. Asking Nick if the million dollar prize was worth more to him than his jacket, pressing him as a member of the dominant alliance to give up his personal property to Angelina Keeley, was beyond the scope of the game for most on the Jabeni Tribe. Natalie claimed it was negotiation. Her detractors considered it bullying.

Whichever way you see it, that one move finalized her boarding time and departure.

For the second episode in a row the original Goliath alliance voted out one of their own and in doing so has evened the overall numbers of Goliaths and Davids. If the tribes were to merge next week each group would have seven players. Will these judgment calls alter the course of the game? Stay tuned.

Survivor Scoop – Week 5: Top Moments

This week’s Top Survivor: David vs. Goliath Moments are…




Moment # 5: A Sneaky Dan Snatches an Immunity Idol





Moment # 4: Eggsgate Hits the Jabeni Tribe





Moment # 3: Natalie’s Exit





Moment # 2: Natalie Strong-Arms Nick Over a Jacket?!?!?





Moment # 1: A Cyclone Causes an Evacuation


Next time on Survivor


Week 5: Game Fail – Natalie Cole


It was the flame out every viewer saw coming. Natalie only knows one way and that is her way or the highway. The bullheaded publishing CEO was just not cut out for the game of Survivor. Yes, she was a larger than life character but there was no way her personality was going to go far in a game in which sensitive social skills are often the difference between sitting on the jury and being crowned the Sole Survivor. Just ask Russell Hantz.

Strategic Gameplay

She argued quite a lot but what true power did she have? Not a lot it appears. Jeremy Crawford was voted out over her when the Goliaths had the chance to rid their tribe of her. Jeremy claims though that had more to do with Angelina working to get him out than Natalie saving herself. At Jabeni, Mike and Nick took control of the game, yanking it right out of Natalie and Angelina’s hands.

Rating: 1 / 5

RELATED: Survivor’s Jeremy Crawford Reveals Secret Showmance

Social Gameplay

If she accomplished anything, Natalie played one of the worst social games ever on Survivor. Even after being warned by her fellow tribemates that she was greasing the wheels for her own exit, Natalie continued being obstinate, unwilling to change her attitude, her treatment of others or her behaviour.

Rating: 1 / 5

Entertainment Value


Natalie was as big a persona as they come. Even if you disliked her she was the ignition switch behind much of this season’s drama. If she has just softened her approach she could have lived to fight another day.

Rating: 3 / 5

Final Castaway Rating: 5 / 15

Week 5: Powell’s Picks

Who played it cool and who proved themselves to be a fool? Every week John Powell makes his picks for the worst and best players of the week.


Bronze Amateur: Gabby Pascuzzi

It looks more and more like unless there is a swap she will be Tiva’s first boot.


Silver Amateur: Alec Merlino

His decision to turn on the Goliath alliance is already proving to be a very big error in judgement.


Gold Amateur: Natalie Cole

Unlike the song, Natalie’s time on Survivor won’t be Unforgettable.


Bronze MVP: Dan Rengering

It seems he can do no wrong unless he doesn’t really have Christian Hubicki on his side. Stay tuned.


Silver MVP: Kara Kay

Knowing she was left out of the loop Kara has worked hard to try and save her game.


Gold MVP: Nick Wilson and Mike White

Party time! Excellent! The guitar heroes have mobilized and taken control of the game and the Jabeni Tribe.

What do you think of Natalie’s tactics? Let us know in the comments below.

Watch Survivor: David Vs Goliath Wednesdays at 8 et/pt on Global.