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Tucker: ‘I’m so sorry again, Rubina. I never wanted to make you sad’

Tucker: ‘I’m so sorry again, Rubina. I never wanted to make you sad’

Tucker: ‘I’m so sorry again, Rubina. I never wanted to make you sad’

Tucker Des Lauriers. Photo: CBS.


By John Powell – GlobalTV.com

He is a chef. He is a model. He is in marketing and sales. He is an artist, a painter. He is involved in film making as well. As a complex person and personality Tucker Des Lauriers wears many, many hats. One of the most celebrated houseguests and players in some time Tucker missed his chance to be on the jury but his Big Brother future, legacy looks very bright indeed if his current popularity is any indication.

John Powell: Tucker! Last night was very tough for you. How are you doing today?

Tucker Des Lauriers: Bittersweet, man. It’s bittersweet as bittersweet can be. I am disappointed in myself for not getting that puzzle done. I guess I didn’t listen to the directions clearly enough. I was building it backwards because I thought the numbers had to face where the number board was. I did not throw it! I’ve been hearing those rumours. No, not whatsoever! I was ready to win that! I was ready to win HoH and I was ready to get Quinn kicked out of the house. I didn’t want to give him the satisfaction of me going before him because I never trusted him. I only pulled him off the block because I threw all of his cards on the table and Brooklyn was a bigger threat at that point. He could scramble and pick up his cards for a week or two and then I’ll come back for him.

I feel like I’m excited to go see my family and my friends and my very handsome boy, Ziggy, but I feel like I just left my friends and family as well.

John Powell: Now, I don’t know if anybody has told you this but one of the big things about the Big Brother game is NOT to be nominated so you aren’t voted out. Why did you volunteer so many times? Was it strategy?

Tucker Des Lauriers: Yeah, it was a strategy. The first time with Chelsea was I never talked game with her. I said it to her. I was like, this is to show you that I want to play this game and play it with you. I thought she was a good player and then she never talked to me after that so that revealed what side she was on and what she was trying to do.

Then, I did the same thing with Cedric because that was the same sort of motive but also I knew I could get Quinn out if I played against him and then Cedric volunteered and I got him out, I was just incredibly comfortable being uncomfortable on that block seat and most people aren’t.

Tucker Des Lauriers. Photo: CBS.

Also, the strategy of being on the block is almost as powerful as being HoH except you don’t have the nominations. You see and feel and can read the room so much more clearly especially when you come off that block. You see people’s reactions and feel their real hugs or feel their fake hugs. That’s how I was able to expose so much being in those positions and being able to read body language and trust in myself.

John Powell: Last night you gave a little fluff answer to Julie Chan, you said: I don’t feel betrayed by anybody! I love everyone! Tucker, if you had to name one person who you feel betrayed you who would that be?

Tucker Des Lauriers: Well, I never thought Quinn was on my side. Even Rubina and Kimo and T’kor fell for the Quinn charm or whatever. If I could cast a vote to have somebody instantly evicted it would be Quinn 10 times over.

John Powell: Last night, something that maybe took away the little bit of the sting of being evicted was you won that AI instigator prize. How did that make you feel, to know you have the support of the viewers and fans?

Tucker Des Lauriers: It’s something I’m still processing. It makes me feel so good! I got a knot in my throat thinking about it! I’m a very empathetic person and I dish out a lot of love and sometimes you don’t get it back. I still would never change that. But to be feel, to to receive that much love, I am overjoyed! It’s amazing! It makes me feel really good as a person because I am a people person and very empathetic and cannot thank you guys enough for that! And you know, there’s something else you can vote on for the end of the season that I would also love! (laughs)

John Powell: As the AI Instigator your first at bat cut very deep. After that, you got into garble about the moon and stuff. What was your approach to the task?

Tucker Des Lauriers: So the first thing was a total misread and misfire. Rubina and I talked about…How do we just let people know this? Because if people start running their minds about this they could paint their own picture versus let’s just throw it out there. There’s already so so much of people trying to read this and that. If we just throw it out there and make it obvious, that’s one last thing for us to worry about and one last thing for others. It just would make our game clearer because if someone found us in a room doing something and kissing, they would just run off and tell people and then it would be like: Oh, my God. Now, they’re not going to believe anything.

 Rubina Bernabe and Tucker Des Lauriers. Photo: CBS.

I feel terrible. I’m so sorry again, Rubina, I never wanted to make you sad. I did not. If I knew that would be the outcome I wouldn’t have done it.

I went from that to doing little call-outs here and there. I was reading the room every day and hearing what people were saying. They were thinking maybe that was America doing it. Maybe it’s someone in the room. It sounds like like the BB hacker from before but maybe this has to do with competitions. I was like: Oh, maybe it does. The purple horse jumped over the orange cat last night, underneath the stars. Is that Orion’s Belt? I started throwing things out there that I was talking about. I was just being specific about nonsense and everyone was eating it up. People were trying to memorize what I was saying about Leah’s shopping list…It was all to mess with people and make them think that this was going to be competition based. I’m sure they’re still thinking about it right now, for the veto comp. They think it’s going to be a part of Otev or something. It was better to end on that lighthearted note, for sure.

John Powell: We saw you with Rubina. Those were true feelings or you’re a very good actor.

Tucker Des Lauriers: Um, very true.

John Powell: Did you expect to fall in love in the Big Brother house and what do you see for future?

Tucker Des Lauriers. Photo: CBS.

Tucker Des Lauriers: Hell, no! We both did not expect it whatsoever. Everyone on the outside was like: Don’t get into a showmance! And I was like: Do you guys know me? I haven’t had a girlfriend in a long time. I’m not someone that goes out looking for anything like that. Never have been, never will. There was a negative chance of me getting in a showmance. There was a lot of boxes I wanted to check off being in the Big Brother house. Winning a bunch of competitions and having a punishment costume were part of that but a showmance was not. But, when something that real and true is right there in front of you, if I didn’t go through with that it might have been the only thing I regretted in there.

I’ve never met someone like her before in my life. She is just the best through and through. She is so herself and loves herself and I love watching her be herself. I could be a fly on the wall just watching her like I’m going to be while I’m at home and she’s in there crushing it. It’s going to bring me tears of joy to see her do what she does. I can’t wait to have both of our outside lives come together and see if it works, because we both know that it could be tough. We don’t know how each other’s outside lives are but we’re adults about that. We’ve talked about it and we do truly believe that it won’t be an issue but we know that it’s a point to revisit when she gets out here and when she gets out I will be right here in California, waiting for her. If I could send her flowers, I would send her flowers right now.

John Powell: There’s Tucker. He’s the model. There’s Tucker. He’s into film. There’s Tucker. He’s into sales and marketing. Who is the real Tucker or is he all of those and would you ever play again?

I would definitely play again. I’m a competitor at heart and yeah all those things are true. I’m also an artist and I also love to act. I’ve been painting my entire life. I’ve always been the goofball entertainer my whole life and then I’ve studied a lot of acting. That’s actually where I met (Big Brother’s) Cody Calafiore before, in (acting) classes.

I am the head chef of Icebound Bars and I do their marketing. I’m a cook. Naturally, I’m from an Italian family we know the kitchen! All those things are very much true. I model too. Life’s all about experiences. That’s how I was raised : To thine own self be true. I have let the universe lead me down this path even though I’ve tried to resist it a few times.



Big Brother airs on Global TV on Wednesdays and Thursdays at 8:00-9:00 PM, ET/PT and Sundays at 9:00-10:00 PM, ET/PT.



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