Big Brother 20 Spoilers: Veto Played, Secret Power Disclosed?
Big Brother 20 Spoilers: Veto Played, Secret Power Disclosed?

By John Powell –
Although they are a little worse for wear, this week’s POV (Power of Veto) winner now believes they have some leverage in the Big Brother 20 house.
Faysal Shafaat, the substitute teacher from Orlando and former American Ninja Warrior contestant, won a competition which involved some kind of obstacle course which included an underwater component, paintballs being fired at the players, electric shocks and snakes. Several houseguests, (including Steve Arienta, the former undercover cop) had welts and bruises on their bodies from the paintballs.
WATCH: Big Brother After Dark Online – Season 20 Full Episodes
In another revelation on the live feeds, although she didn’t come right out and say so, it appears that Sam Bledsoe was awarded this week’s special ‘BB App Store’ power.
Speaking to Tyler Crispen, this week’s HoH (Head of Household), Sam, hinted at some kind of safety for this week.
“I will be here for you. You can trust me, just like I trust you. I have a thing,” Sam whispered to Tyler.
“A thing? What thing?” asked Tyler sitting up.
“It’s a sure thing,” she explained.
Big Brother airs Wednesdays and Thursdays at 9 et/pt and Sundays at 8 et/pt on Global. Watch Big Brother online the day after broadcast on or on the free Global Go app for iOS and Android.
CATCH UP NOW: Big Brother Full Episodes – Season 20